• Chapter 35 •

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Jungkook's POV

friday... practice day.

here I am, playing a videogame in my room. this is how I distract myself--- games, or sometimes, drinking. well, I'm a bit drunk already but i'm not the kind of people who talk nonsense when they're drunk. i can still control myself.

nobody knows that I drink except for Taehyung. he's been my best friend for years and we sometimes break the rules bighit told us, you know, for special reasons.

why am I doing this to myself again? ah yeah, to forget what I said last week.

I really can't tell if I regret everything that I've done to her. Maybe I do? Maybe I don't.

My mind is blank that I didn't even notice the loud knock from the door. I ignored it and kept on playing, I'm this close to being the last player alive.

at around 5 seconds later, the door opened. eesh, Suga hyung kicked the door, already expected that.

"thanks for bweaking the door hyung-gie." I spoke.

"why the hell are you not ready? we have to record the dance practice today!" he walked towards the tv blocked my view. now I wouldn't know if I won or nah.

"can.. move... hyung? i'm try to w- win here." I move my head to my right to look at what was happening to my player.

he held a strong grip on my oversized t-shirt as he slammed me towards the wall. damn it, i'm getting dizzy.

"you're drunk, aren't you?"

"Suga hyung? Jungkook? You guys okay?" Taehyung asked all of a sudden which made Suga release me.

I rubbed my forehead due to the pain I'm experiencing. I lay down on the couch and held my controller again.

"it's nothing. i'm going out, just get ready in a few minutes." suga turned his back and made his way to the open elevator.

taehyung closed the door and touched the spot where the crack is shown. he raised his eyebrows at me and I only shrugged.

"tell me what happened." he leaned on the wall and crossed his arms.

"I was just playing a game and without me knowing, suga hyung kicked the door. after that, I just knew that he slammed me towards the wall."

"please don't tell me that you're doing this because of the break up. I know it's harsh but don't drink, it ain't good for you."

"says the man who introduced me to these stuff." i rolled my eyes at him as i rested my chin on the palm of my hand.

i miss her.

i really, really miss her. i don't know if she feels the same way, but my love for her will never last. she's the one for me, i know it.

"just tell me if you want to talk to her, i'm still in contact with (Y/N)." taehyung sighed.

"thanks but i think she doesn't want to talk."

"maybe she wants to, give it a try." he lend his phone to me.

the call button is waiting for me. should i press it or just ignore it and go to the home button?

without hesitation, i decided to give it a try, like hyung said. i press the green  button.

"taehyung oppa!"  she immediately answered it, unlike me, i didn't even bother her calls, ugh.

she sounds good though...

"hi (Y/N)!" taehyung shouted.

"what's up? you need something?"

"nope, but someone needs you." he smirked at me.

"jinjja? who?"

he looked at my eyes first to ask for my permission. i agreed, cause, why not? i missed talking to her.


"uhh sorry, baekhyun's calling me, bye!"

"wait---" i spoke but i assure that she didn't hear me.

see? she doesn't want to. it's all my fault. how can i make it up for her?

i looked down and tried to stop my tears from falling. i can't do it. i can't live without her even though we only had few dates.

"don't worry, baekhyun is already taken, they're not gonna end up together." taehyung said and my mood became a lil bit happy.

"wh--- seriously?"

"uhh huh. so you better act fast before (Y/N) gets another man like me." he chuckled.

i gave him a serious glare as i clench my fists.

"----just kidding. she's all yours." he added.

after a few minutes, i awkwardly grinned cause i already planned something for her.

"hyung, I need your help."

"you can count on me."

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