Chapter One: Final Goodbyes

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To mourn; feeling regret or sadness about the loss or disappearance of something. To say the world had mourned more than any other emotion in the past five years was an understatement. Mourning those who were gone, those who returned, and those of whom we lost for good. The world weeps as one, any attempt to comfort one another heavily failed. Tears were shed now and before, nothing had really changed.

It rained this morning, droplets of water shook off the black car as it pulled into the drive way sharply. Four sets of eyes starred airily out the windshield watching bodies in black pass by with heads hung low. It was going to be a long, emotional day. Steve Rogers kept his hands on the wheel, not quite ready to get out and face what the day would have in store for them. Sam Wilson sat straight up, face like stone, clenching his hands in his lap. In the back seat James Buchanan Barnes was silently grumbling over wearing a suit, but also feeling the weight of emotions that pooled around them in the thick air. Beside him Wanda Maximoff was calm, her red hair down in natural waves, a cool breath escaped her lips as she exhaled audibly.

The first to exit the vehicle was Steve, his movements done with purpose and a hint of grace, as he always does. Sam followed, his door opening mimicked the soldier's as they both swung their feet onto the ground. When the door clapped closed Bucky realized Wanda was still sitting in the car, motionless. With a nod to Sam to go ahead, he made his way around the vehicle. Slowly opening her door and peering in. They weren't these closest, but they had similar pasts. Enough to accept one another without word or reason. A mutual friendship that developed a few years ago during the war between Avengers, when Tony and Steve disagreed. They bonded in Wakanda, just enough to understand one another.

Bucky held out his hand, but she didn't even flinch. The look in her eye was shallow, nothing more or less than blank. When he pushed his hand further toward her she spoke, "I need a minute." This wasn't just about Stark, not to her. This was about letting go of those who were lost for good.

"Better to just get it over with." Bucky didn't move, his hand extended was still.

Wanda kept her eyes straight ahead, her chest rose and fell at a steady rhythm. "How." It was a question, kind of, but it didn't seem as though she was expecting an answer.

"We do it like we all do everything else." Bucky was hard in his voice, so sure of himself. Ready to be strong for her, to support her like a man should for a woman. Even just a friend. "Together."

Finally eyes graced him, she looked at him with sureness, almost kindness too. Without speaking she reached up to take his hand as he lead her out of the car and closed the door behind her.

With her hand resting gently in his crooked arm for a moment Bucky wanted to laugh, though this wasn't the place to do so

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With her hand resting gently in his crooked arm for a moment Bucky wanted to laugh, though this wasn't the place to do so. But to picture leading a lady into the dance hall back before the war was something he always wanted to do. Now he was leading what may as well be a widow toward the final goodbye she'll ever get to make. There was something though about how she trusted him that made him feel...lucky.

Once everyone arrived they hoarded outside, not much conversation was made. Whether that be out of respect or that no one really knew what to say. Wanda had made her way to Pepper to express her sorrow, leaving Bucky with Sam who, of course, had something to say.

"You gotta push in on someone who just lost the person they love. Boy join Tinder or something." He spoke low and made sure his voice had a hint of sarcasm to it.

James glances across the room to find Wanda meeting his eyes, but shyly looking away to continue listening to Morgan who was telling her about what her father liked to build, as if Wanda didn't know. The certainty in his voice was a surprise, even it him. "It's not like that. We understand one another."

Sam nodded, pulling at his suit jacket sleeves. "Ok. If that's all."

As they all made their way outside, Bucky and Sam kept behind. Knowing  family and close friends should be near. As they stood below the steps Bucky sighed. Although his history with the Stark's wasn't the most kindest, Tony's loss was a heartache to all. As they released their wreath into the water he felt an arm link into his own, without turned to see who it was he bit his cheek so not to smile. Again, not the place or time.

Wanda was feeling empty, like she was weightless when she walked

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Wanda was feeling empty, like she was weightless when she walked. It was nice to grab James's arm to keep herself on the ground, so she didn't float away. Or fly away. She wanted so much to do both right now. The fact he was kind and trusting. James knew her past because he understood it, he lived it.

Almost, for a moment, Wanda felt herself comfortable beside him. Quickly as it came she shooed it away. It was scaring her, as she was mourning Vision. Worrying about the life she would have to live without him. How empty it would be, will be, maybe...could be. The uncertainty that this was the end boggled her mind. Of course her world didn't come to a crash when Pietro died, but it felt like it should have. The same feeling was drowning her now, how she felt everything should end right now. That there was no reason for her to continue. Except this time she had purpose. Vision would scold her if she stopped now. So she would fight, she would protect, and she would live.

Bucky felt her grip tighten on his arm, causing him to peer at her slightly. There were small pebbles of water trickling down her face. The overwhelming feel of emotions around her was weighing in. After a moment she released her grip on the soldier and walked away, leaving the group to watch the wreath drift away from them forever.

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