Chapter Twenty-Four: Old Friends

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That night Wanda unleashed herself completely into the soldier, whether it was due to his words or the underlying fear of what lies ahead. When Bucky awoke that morning intertwined with her he smiled, seeing her asleep and relaxed it took a lot out of him to move without waking her. The soldier dressed quickly, ran a hand through his hair, and turned back to see her still asleep, her bare arms and legs sticking out from how she was wrapped in the sheets. Bucky smiled once more before closing the door behind him.

"Just coffee, thank you." He adjusted his hat and leaned back in the booth, looking across the table at his very dear, very old friend. "Ya know, although you don't talk about it, I'd love to hear about that." Bucky pointed at the ring on his finger.

Steve smiled, "Well...that's a long story." He looked over at his friend, the man he always held dear to his heart, and nodded, "I'm too old for long stories."

Bucky smiled, "You're an asshole

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Bucky smiled, "You're an asshole." They both chuckled and watched the waitress walk back over to pour their coffee.

"I approve you know." Bucky looked up as Steve stirred his coffee, his blue eyes gazed Bucky's, "I may be old. But I'm not blind. Not yet."

"I didn't plan it." Bucky sipped his coffee.

"Neither did I. That's the best part." Steve rested his hands softly on either side of the mug. "Why are you troubled then?"

"The fear of losing her..." Bucky never released upon anyone, but when Steve was around, it seemed like second nature to let it all out, "Steve I'm still trying to remember everything. I'm lucky to have remembered what I have." He looked down at his cup, "But this's not quite what I expected."

"There's not training manual for this one Buck, you just have to roll with the punches." Steve coughed lightly, then took another sip from his mug.

"Easier said than done." Bucky nodded, "I don't want her to be my weakness."

"Does she feel like one?" Steve locked eyes with him.

"No." The soldier sighed, "I know how strong she is. I know Wanda, better than any of us can handle herself. It's just..."

"It is, but you know..." Steve's eyes rolled off into the past, seeing an image from long ago, "Compromise when you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move. It is your duty, to plant yourself like a tree, look them in they eye and say, no... ... you move." Bucky watched as Steve's view returned back to the small table outside of the diner, then back to him, "Buck you deserve happiness."

"Not more than you."

"I got mine, you go get yours." Steve reached over and grabbed his coat, "Save the world and win the girl Buck" He stood and pulled his coat on, "You got the bill right?" Steve winked at Bucky, smiled, and walked out of the diner.

Wanda sat up in bed suddenly, her stomach turned surprisingly. As she leaned over to grab a shirt off the floor she felt grunted lightly, feeling everything rush up. "Oh no..." She quickly threw the blankets over her and pulled the shirt over her body just as she pushed the door open and ran into the hall. Luckily she made it to the bathroom in time, she flushed the toilet and sat back against the stone wall. Nausea filled her as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, what was happening?

After a quick shower she got dressed and walked down to the kitchen where Sam was already downing his third cup of coffee. "Morning."

"Morning." She smiled softly, then made her way over toward the stove to put on some water.

"You know I Kerig works faster?" Sam pointed to the machine on the counter.

Wanda shrugged, "Doesn't get the water hot enough for my taste."

Sam nodded, "I respect that."

Footsteps echoed in the hall, both of their attention rose to the archway that lead into the kitchen. The soldier walked in, the look in his eye was fresh and enlightening. "Where have you been?"

"Visiting an old friend." Bucky walked into the kitchen ignoring everything but the way Wanda looked over to him, he walked right toward her, wrapped his arm around her waist, and planted his lips on hers.

Sam cleared his throat, trying to get their attention. "You know I'm in the room right?"

Bucky didn't care, he pulled Wanda close and kissed her. Steve always had a way of reaching Bucky, a way of speaking sense into him. This time, it really worked.

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