Chapter Five: Pride

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The next few days trotted by smoothly with nice weather. The compound was starting to feel too big for the three of them, so when Bruce finally returned they all breathed a sigh of relief. There was a point in time where they were not sure if Banner would return, after all he, like Wanda, lost someone they loved. Then Steve called him, though no one knew what was said, it put a fired in Bruce. The man was ready to design and work alongside Pepper. New armor, weapons, continuing the work Tony love doing so much. Wanda found herself training, getting back into things. There were moments she felt normal and had to catch herself, but Sam was always there to remind her that she was allowed to feel good. That it wasn't anything against his memory, but she was still getting use to that.

"What do we do if there is nothing to protect Earth from?" Bucky leaned back against his chair as they all surrounded the meeting room table. Pepper stood beside Sam, both admiring the team in front of them. Peter, who should look eager to be here was picking at his thumb, head down. Scott tapped a pen on the table and watched Sam closely, though Hope was invited she did not show up. Stephen Strange was too invited to this meeting, but politely declined. Even though he did express that should the time arise, he will be there. On a monitor above Pepper's head Thor, Rocket, and the rest of the occupants of the ship all cluttered to be seen on the screen. Wanda was beside Bucky, her arms folded over her chest as she watched T'Challa flicker onto another screen.

"We will help out wherever we are needed. There may not be threats as great as Thanos right now, but there are things that call for our attention." Pepper was a good leader, they all admired her drive and focus that was always followed by kindness.

Sam pointed to another monitor where the news station was playing, "Just last week I received word from a friend of some threats we need to be aware of. Reed Richards has some input, I'm awaiting a message from him to confirm things."

"Isn't that guy invisible?" Peter finally spoke up, Pepper seemed please.

"Wrong guy, but you're not wrong. There are four supers that live among us as well." Sam stood with a bit more sureness.

"Where the hell were these guys when Thanos was here!" Rocket's voice echoed from the speaker.

Sam rolled his eyes and shrugged, "Regardless, they have some intel on Doctor Doom."

"Doom...isn't that the energy guy? Tony mentioned a run in with him a few years back." Bruce, who was standing because really he couldn't fit in any of the chairs comfortably, pointed to the news articles that danced across the screen.

"Yeah, yeah I've seen that guy." Thor grumbled.

"Can't believe you've spotted him over your gut." Rocket spit, followed by a shove from Drax.

"I like hit gut!" Drax howled.

"I've been working out!" Thor hollered, but calmed when he saw the look on Pepper's face. They all respected her.

"When I receive more from Richards I will keep you all updated. Until then, we need to all agree on something." Sam looked over to Pepper, leaving the words to her.

Blonde hair was pulled into a tight pony and her white collared shirt was crisp and clean as she crossed her arms. "This isn't the end. Tony wouldn't want it that way and you know Steve wouldn't either. Steve gave Sam that shield for a reason, the Avengers are forever. We will still protect, even if it doesn't mean armor around the world. Together we can all make an impact. They would want that...he would want that."

They were all quiet for a moment, Wanda breathed slowly through her nose.

"Besides that," Sam sighed, "It could be quiet for a while, I think that will be good for all of us. But we will do this weekly. I want updates from everyone. The good and the bad."

"You got it Cap

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"You got it Cap."

Sam stopped short on his breath and turned to face the monitor where Rocket was smirking at him. "Thanks."

Everyone said their goodbyes and left the room, Sam walked out with a small smile on his face, leaving with a sense of pride in his step.

Turning the corner Wanda found herself unsure of her actions, what was she going to do for the rest of the day? One can only beat a punching bag so many times before their hands grew weary.

"Come on." Bucky walked past her swiftly, tying his hair up into a bun as he did. The soldier had dressed quickly into a black tee and running shorts. Wanda looked at him confused, but he didn't speak. Bucky simply jogged in place to try and jog her mind.

"Run?" She smiled softly.

"Cardio is important."

Wanda sighed roughly, though cardio wasn't really her thing, there wasn't really much to do. "Let me change."

Back in her room Wanda found herself finally ripping open the new closet and being surprised it was fully stocked. Pepper really spoiled her, and she would have to remember to thank her eventually as she hadn't really gotten her alone since she'd returned to New York. With that in mind she undressed, brushed her long red hair into a high ponytail, and pulled on a pair of red shorts. After a moment of consideration whether she really wanted to go on a run, she pulled on a long sleeve black compression top, black socks, and her sneakers before walking out into the hallway.

Once Wanda stepped outside she crossed her arms, curious of where the soldier went. After a long audible sigh she turned to see him coming outside, "You look ready." And ready she looked, as he had to stop himself from glancing at the compression top she decided to put on. True, he always thought she was an attractive woman, but he was also a gentleman and always would be. It was the era he was raised in.

"Ready as I'll ever be for cardio." Wanda smiled kindly.

They both began down the long driveway at a slow pace, picking it up as they reached the road. Wanda hung behind as she was unsure of where they were running to.

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