Chapter Eleven: Stay

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The sky roared with thunder as lightening danced across the sky. Blankets ruffled, legs twitched, and air sucked in as Wanda shook in her bed. In her mind she was screaming, Thanos was crushing her as she attempted to push back. "You'll rot along side him!!!" The voice echoed through her head. Pain rifled though her veins as she rushed power out her hands as though she were about to implode. "NO!!!!" Her hollering curdled in her throat, it was weak as it passed through her lips and she knew it. "Weak." Thanks spit at her, pressing down onto her body as she felt her life escape her.

"Wanda..." Bucky pushed her bedroom door open, his eyes landed on her bed where she was thrashing. "Hey..." he walked over calmly and leaned over her. There were whimpers pouring out her mouth as she shook her head, sweat beading on her forehead. "Wanda." He spoke calmly, his hand laying over her head gently.

As her mind pulled back from sleep she fought the pain that rattled her, opening her eyes quickly as they burned red. The room was dark, but she didn't need light to know she was not alone. The soldier was sitting beside her in bed, he leaned over her, she felt his cool hand on her head and she followed it to find his face. It was hard to make out, but as lightening cracked over the sky it illuminated her room just enough to see his concerned expression. That took everything out of her and she started to sob. Bucky pressed his hand softly on her cheek, he knew when he woke up to her scream that it was a gamble whether she would wake up in fear and throw him against the wall, but he didn't expect this. Wanda was crying and he could hear it, he let his thumb rub her cheek lightly. "Breath." His voice was smooth and warm.

Wanda sucked air through her nose, she could stop the tears, but she could attempt to control the breathing. Now was the time to let go, to be vulnerable when she didn't want to be. "James." Her accent hit him, he didn't expect her to speak, but he assumed she wanted him to leave, to let her be alone like before.

"I'll go." He stood, ready to let her be alone, if that is what she needed. Bucky was never one to push another person, not someone he cared for. That was the battle too. How much did he care for Wanda and why? What changed in him that made him look at her in a differed light? Romance wasn't his thing, not in this era. Here he was strong, independent, and ready. Perhaps back in his younger years he would dream to whoo a girl, to grab her hand and drag her to the dance floor, but perhaps that feeling was long gone with his youth.

As he turned to leave the room he felt a small hand grasp his, it tugged him back and he let it. "Wait..." Bucky turned his head, searching for her eyes in the dark. "Stay." The word was quiet and unsure, but it was said and out there now. Wanda gripped his hand tightly, more so she wouldn't let go out of fear. 

The soldier was shocked, suddenly he was young again and wanted nothing more than to console the girl. "But..."

"No." She must have sat up, he could find her eyes now in the night, they were still wet. The look though was sad, she was letting herself fall apart and at the same time was asking him to stay.

"What do you want me to do?" He stood unsure beside her bed, suddenly worried.

There was no words, she simply tugged on his hand and pulled him into the bed. It was spontaneous, but if she didn't do it she would have let him run out of the room as she had done to him before. Bucky let his knee hit the bed, uncertainly clogged his mind, yet he pushed it away. The soldier let the blankets swallow him and it was warm, her hand never released his until he was completely in her bed, a moment he never imagined. 

Although her voice was shaky, perhaps out of nerves or just from crying, "Hold me."

There was no second thought, as he felt her lay back down he immediately pulled her close. It was the closest they had ever been and inside he was finally sure of something. Bucky wanted to be here, right now.

Bucky felt himself drifting into sleep, he was happy that for at least an hour he held her close, listening to her sobs go away. The way she was nervous in his arms was kind of refreshing for both of them. Wanda found herself comfortable, but nervous in a new setting. When sleep began to invade her she rolled gently away, but not to far. When the last burst of lightening hit the sky, he looked over at her face. Wanda's eyes were closed, she looked so calm. Slowly he reached for her hand, hoping it was a welcomed gesture. As his skin tickled hers he breathed out a sigh of relief, feeling her let him take her hand and caress it. It was a night of firsts, and they both fell into a calm, relaxing sleep for the first time in a while.

 It was a night of firsts, and they both fell into a calm, relaxing sleep for the first time in a while

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