Chapter Twenty-One: Let It Out

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The morning rose silently, fall was creeping up on them faster every day. A calm cool breeze snuck in through the open window and drifted over the bed where they lay, Bucky's arms wrapped around the small witch. Although he didn't fall asleep until a few hours after her, he had drifted so far that when the door first opened he didn't stir. Sam stood there for a moment in the arch of the door frame just looking at how peaceful the two looked together. Although he had a feeling something was going on between them, he didn't expect to find the witch in the soldier's bed. After seeing it though first hand, he smiled and knocked at the door loudly. Bucky's eyes shot open, he leaned up and eyed the doorway, only relaxing when he saw Sam's face. Of course it then hit him that Wanda was laying beside him, the shirt she had on was bunched up at her belly button, exposing everything below, long legs and black lace. Wanda squinted her eyes and looked over at the door, she didn't really pay attention until Bucky pushed the blanket over her body, then she felt a tinge of embarrassment and shyness. 

"You guys have to see this." Sam looked concerned after his mind shot back to the situation at hand. Wand and Bucky looked at one another with confused eyes, then back at Sam. 

They both got up quickly, Wanda pulled on a pair of Bucky's lounge pants and tightened them so they wouldn't fall down, then followed them out of the room and into the closest lounge. The television was flickering the news. Words hit Wanda hard as she realized what was on the screen, they all stood with arms crossed glaring at the screen. Rhodes shook his head, pausing the screen before it got into more detail, "From what we know...files were stolen, security cameras were hacked...and it was all edited. Then sent into all the news stations that would accept it...ninety percent aired the material." The sorrow in his voice made them all uncomfortable. Hitting play Wanda watched as images from security cameras graced the screen.

"Do we really know all of our Avengers?" The pretty blonde news anchor shrugged lightly, "This material was sent in anonymously. It does make us think who we are letting protect us and what their major goal is." That's when familiar moments crossed their eyes.

A large building crumbling due to Wanda's strength fluttered across the screen, it showed Wanda on the ground staring up at the destruction

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A large building crumbling due to Wanda's strength fluttered across the screen, it showed Wanda on the ground staring up at the destruction. People screaming and crying around her as she looked up in shock.

 People screaming and crying around her as she looked up in shock

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