Chapter Twenty-Seven: Change

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Change, though always welcomed, was never really something Wanda anticipated on a regular basis. So as she sat on the edge of her bed with her legs curled up to her chest, she didn't know how to handle something so different. Not that it wasn't something she could handle, not that is wasn't something she didn't want, but the timing of this change was certainly inconvenient.

So she sat there, her face bare as she starred into the carpet, her eyes bore so deep that she could make out the fibers piece by piece

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So she sat there, her face bare as she starred into the carpet, her eyes bore so deep that she could make out the fibers piece by piece. Beside her sat two papers, the edges slightly rolled from how her hand had clutched it earlier. There was no denying the proof that stated in small black letters how big a change this was going to be. Then it wasn't until she heard the bing of the elevator that her mind snapped back. With a sudden twist of her waist she grabbed the paper, hurried toward her dresser, and shoved it into the top drawer. Seconds later the soldier was at the door frame, his face calm as he observed her for a moment. Wanda looked over at him, her eyes strained as she fought herself in the attempt to not break down right now and go to him. After all, there wasn't really a reason to break down, at least not on her end.

"You're doing it again." Bucky leaned against the doorway, his hoodie zipped up halfway really framed his chest. Wanda admired his stance, how he always stood up straight and stern. Something he learned from his soldier days she was sure, but the nice thing she started to realize is how he stood around her. Not so stiff, more relaxed and off guard. It didn't happen at first, but the more they bonded the more she found he let his guard down around her.

Although her hand was still resting on the knob to her dresser drawer, she didn't give any inclination that she had or was going to open it. "Doing what." She bit her lip gently, feeling the weight of her secret start to pull her down.

"Hiding from me." With his soothing tone he pushed off the wall and walked toward her, quickly his hand trailed her chin and cupped her face.

"I'm sorry." She shook her head lightly, not wanting him to take his hand back. The warmth it admitted relaxed her muscles, either that or simply his touch was making her feel better. "I'm not feeling well, still..." Wanda let herself lean forward, naturally he pulled her in and let her fall into his chest, holding her.

" Wanda let herself lean forward, naturally he pulled her in and let her fall into his chest, holding her

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"You need rest, lot's of it. Especially since that X guy said he expects the attack in two weeks." Bucky rested his chin on top of her head, he hadn't had much practice in comforting people, sick people at that. But the way he found himself naturally figuring it out was surprising, but he thanked her for that. Their souls seemed to understand one another way before they even got close. It was natural for both of them and they're weren't the only ones who saw it. Wanda sighed into his chest, she felt overwhelmed and wasn't sure how to shake it. They didn't say much for a moment, both concerned about very different things.

"Don't tell anyone." Wanda looked up at Bruce as she walked into his lab a while later, finally dressed in a short black dress and deep read sweater. Bruce turned from the computer and narrowed his eyes.

"Ok..." He took off his glasses slowly and set them down on the keyboard, "It's none of my business really, but you know that everything you do now is a risk for..."

"I know." Wanda was quick to reply, "I'll handle it." But she didn't know how. There was no handbook on how to be a superhero and struggle with her secret at the same time. No one who she knew that had or was going through it.

"Wanda you can't go up against Magneto." Bruce pushed his chair back, feeling a responsibility to Wanda to guide her. After all, she was young still, even if she didn't act like it. "There's history there now, he won't be easy on you." Wanda didn't look at Banner as he spoke, mainly because there was nothing she could really argue against. "Are you going to tell..."

"No..." She spit, not in the nicest way though she didn't mean harm, "I can't." Much to both their surprise her eyes began to water, emotion was pulsing through her and the only person she wanted to release it all to she couldn't.

"Wanda..." Bruce stood up, hands pressed against his thighs, " isn't something," Bruce was struggling with words, "You can't hide this forever."

Wanda clenched her fist at her sides, "I know."

"And actively partaking in any mission isn't healthy for..." Bruce was really trying.

"Stop...please." She looked up from the cold floor back to his face, "I'll figure it out."

Bruce nodded, nothing else came out of his mouth. When it came down to it, he was nothing but a friend, not her father.

After she finally composed herself Wanda made her way to the training room, figuring if she worked out her mind would wander and she wouldn't have to wallow in herself. But the moment she got there she saw Pepper going at it with the punching bag while Morgan was climbing some mats and all of a sudden she felt overwhelmed again. So she turned around and went outside to run the track, but of course Sam and Bucky were there, so as frustrated as she was she took a deep breath, went inside to change, and found herself traveling down the driveway to run the trail her and Bucky took months ago.

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