Chapter Twenty-Nine: Coming Soon.

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(NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I haven't wrote this in so long, but I am ready to get back into it. Now I should probably re-read this whole thing but I'm not going to do that because I am LAZY. So bare with me, I'm really going to try to get this story back on track. PLEASE leave a comment if you have any ideas what may happen! I'd love to see your guesses as I do have a plan in mind. I want to end this Magneto storyline so I can continue into something much more AU, but still branching off canon. I hope you enjoy!!! I also have an idea for another Red Winter. So be on the lookout for a third adaption of my fanfic. Red Winter: Timeline. I have released the first chapter. Remember that my Red Winter stories are not connected, they are different takes on Winterwitch and their relationship.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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