Chapter Fifteen: Education

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The jet rattled through the sky at great speed, the blue woman was controlling the front as the newly escaped criminals spoke amongst themselves while strapped into the seats. Yellow eyes glimmered as Magneto took the chair beside the pilot seat, an admiring expression on crept onto the woman's face as she smiled at him. "That went pleasantly well." Her voice was a bit raspy and low, full of pride.

"If that's what you call it." Magneto sighed and leaned back into the chair, he watched the clouds blaze by.

"What are you doing with her?" The woman almost spit in jealousy, her head nodding toward the chair behind them.

"I want to have an conversation with her Mystique. She deserves to know about a few things." Magneto looked back at the chair. Strapped in was Wanda, she was unconscious, her head lightly hung to the side with closed eyes. There was small scratches on her face, blood on her neck. Beaten and bruised, but alive.

Back at the prison they searched for the witch, of course without luck. Bucky kicked a car door and Sam shook his head at him, "We'll have to pay for that." He attempted to lighten the mood. "She's probably around, she wouldn't wander off. Hit her head and is laying somewhere." It was the first time Sam saw Bucky's eyes, they were full of worry, "Hey, are you ok?"

"Fine." He wasn't, but played off well. "You should be worried, losing a member of your team."

"Stop." Sam crossed his arms, "You're upset, I get it. Don't aim it at me."

"She's not reading on my scanner..." Pepper looked up worried, which reflected on all of their faces. 

"I'm going after that jet." Sam was about to take off but Pepper stopped him.

"They're not on my scanner. You'll be chasing air." She opened her helmet and looked around at them, "Listen, if they took her...we will find her."

They were all silent, unsure where the next steps would take them. If they all could have their way they would all head off after the jet without question, but there was so many more factors at play. Pepper told them all to go home and she would deal with the authorities, something Tony always did. The rest of them reluctantly headed back to the compound. Once they were there Bucky headed off toward his room, Sam knew better than to stop him, there was something eating away at the soldier's mind and he wouldn't be picking at it tonight.

Once in his room he punched at the door, the metal rattling beneath his fist. It was now that he started to understand his feelings, the fury in his gut knowing Wanda didn't come back home with them was sickening. There was a sureness in him, that the man had taken her for some reason. That alone made Bucky want to rip his head off, more so than he wanted to kill Thanos. That made him know that there was something in his body that needed Wanda to be safe, it was so strong it almost scared him. The connection he was feeling for her, the need. It was so new to him.

Somewhere North a light flickered, groaning echoed and bounced off the walls of a small metal room. There were chains that lead to the wall, all connected in the middle where a beaten witch fluttered her eyes open. There was a pinch in her head from the hit, her vision started off fuzzy and shook. Wanda focused, there wasn't much to look at but rust, which made her know she was no longer in Colorado. The chill in the air made her shiver, she groaned again and she attempted to sit up. It was a cell, or it seemed to be. Being chained up brought her back to her time with Hydra. When she got angry and screamed, they would treat her like an animal. Back then she thought it was to strengthen her, how young and impressionable she was. 

The sound of footsteps brought her back, she focused her vision on her barred door and yelled out in a short, raspy voice

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The sound of footsteps brought her back, she focused her vision on her barred door and yelled out in a short, raspy voice. "Where am I?!"

The door opened quickly, it revealed the man Pepper had seem fighting off earlier that day...after that thought Wanda wasn't quite sure if it was earlier that day. How long had she been out?

"How are you feeling?" His voice was deep but kind, a shock to her ears.

The growl in her eyes made him smile justly, but she looked at his hands where he was gripping a bottle of water and a pill bottle. "Fine..."

"Sure," He knew she was lying, "Drink and take this."

"No." She spit back.

"It's ibuprofen and water." He rolled the bottle toward her and set the pill bottle beside it. "Look for yourself."

"What do you want from me?" She didn't even look at the gift, her blood was boiling.

"A...conversation." He crossed his arms gently, seeing her brows furrow with the confusion she expected her to have. "I want to educate you."

"On what?" She took a sharp breath in, her head was throbbing. Sitting on the floor she began to really feel the chill, her lips were starting to turn purple. 

The man stepped to the side, looking upon her with pride filled the man's deep set eyes, "Yourself

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The man stepped to the side, looking upon her with pride filled the man's deep set eyes, "Yourself."

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