Chapter Eighteen: No More Hiding

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A week went by as the compound cluttered with life. Security was on high alert, staff was finally hired to run the grounds in an attempt to ease the Avenger's days. Meetings took place daily that were attended by everyone including their new welcomed friends. Though as the sun began to set that Friday, Wanda stood with her arms crossed at Bucky's window, starring thoughtlessly outside. Images of her past weighted her mind, she bit her lip and pushed them away. As the door opened and closed she sighed, feeling the soldier's presence. 

"Hey..." He stood in front of her, his voice gentle. The concern in his eyes was starting to haunt her, how the condition she was left in seemed to pull pity out of everyone. Though how could she blame him? If their roles had been reversed she too would be kind and caring. Part of her felt a change though, something in his eyes was different. "How are you feeling?"

Wanda stepped toward him, closing the space between their bodies

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Wanda stepped toward him, closing the space between their bodies. "Tired." She felt a small smile tickle her lips, it was involuntary and made her question why. Something about him though calmed her, she couldn't deny that. Then her brain attacked her, the way she cried in front of him in the lab, how vulnerable she had been with him, it started to pull at her strings. "Terrible." She looked down but was adjusted by his hand on her chin, she looked back up at him, his eyes searching hers.

"Terrible?" He asked as his eyes settled into her hues.

"He brought up things I wanted to forget." She tried to look down away, to escape his eyes in fear that within them, she would let go of all she was holding, but his hand guided her chin again so she would look at him.

"Wanda..." His voice softened more, if that was even possible. "Stop hiding from me." When her eyes landed on his again they were wet, yet full of trust. Wanda didn't want to feel vulnerable, she wanted to lock everything up and never see it again. But there was something that Bucky had, how his eyes dug into her for more. It was something that Vision couldn't do, there was always one depth to those eyes, it wasn't something she ever held against him, what he lacked in depth he surely made up for in words. But as Bucky stood in front of her, his hand holding her chin so she couldn't hold back from him, the way he looked at her with need and desire to know. There was so much depth to his eyes that she felt her stomach earn for more, she bit her lip and sighed so slowly she felt time slow down.

"Ok..." She whispered gently, her hands reaching forward to wrap around his waist so he would pull her close to him, which he did. They stood there for a moment, Bucky holding her close with her head resting against his chest. 

After comfort washed over both of them he pulled his head back to look down upon her, then spoke quietly, "Talk to me..." When Wanda looked up at him he felt her eyes drive into his, she had so much to say but no way to say it, so once again she went to look down, only to be caught by his hand like before, but this time he didn't hold her still, instead he pulled her swiftly toward him just as he leaned down. Wanda let it happen, so wanted it so bad and didn't even know it. It was good he pushed for it, she didn't know if she had the guts, but she arched her neck toward him even though there was a pinch of pain. The pain was nothing compared to the rush she felt as his lips grazed her.

 The pain was nothing compared to the rush she felt as his lips grazed her

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