Chapter Twenty-Eight: Better

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Sweat trailed at her fiery hairline, staggered angry breaths shot out of her mouth, legs pumped in frustration as her feet pounded the dirt beneath her. It wasn't until she reached the large pond that she stopped for a breath, hands catching her knees she knelt down to breath in and out as evenly as she could muster. After getting herself together she walked over to the ponds edge and sat down, pulling her knees close and staring out at the water. The air was still, no breeze batted her hair around. It was calm and peaceful as she took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly. The nausea she was feeling still tickled, but she was so stressed that it wasn't bothering her as much as it was before. Then for the first time she pushed her legs out in front of her and placed her hand son her stomach. It was in that moment that she found herself feeling less stressed. For some reason reality set in and she actually smiled.

"What on Earth are you doing out here?" A voice echoed behind her, Wanda turned quickly and eagerly. A stern look turned softer as she recognized the face to be Hope, a friend of Scott Lang. "You know I saw you leave, you seemed...out of it." She crossed her arms, "Didn't tell anyone where you were going. As far as I know you going out alone Is dangerous."

"Why do you say that?" Wanda muttered in defense.

Hope walked closed to her and knelt down, "Well...this Magneto guy seems keen on turning you to his side of things. His people are very sneaky...they've taken you before..."

Wanda snapped her a look, growing irritated more and more with each word, "What are you implying? I can handle myself."

Hope looked over at Wanda, her eyes digging into the witch, "You sure about that?"

"You don't know me." Wanda stoop up, "You have no idea what I can do."

"You can lost control. Trust me I've seen that on the news." Hope shrugged, they may be on the same team with this, but someone's past and what they've done was never something she forgave lightly.

Wanda stood up quickly, "I don't know what you're trying to achieve here, but my past does not define who I am."

"No..." Hope stood up herself, arms crossed over her chest, "But it brought you where you are today."

Wanda took in a deep breath, arguing wasn't her strong suit, "And I'm proud where I am." Wanda turned and began to walk away, leaving her uneasy emotions behind her. If Hope's goal was to dig under her skin and plant uncertainty, it wasn't working. At a time like this they needed to be a tight knit group, not attacking one another emotionally.

By the time she returned back at the compound it was getting dark, Wanda wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, break something, do anything to release the stress she felt piling on top of her. Dealing was stress seemed to be part of her life now on a daily basis. Making her way toward the back of the building, passing the track, there was a small pond near the tree line. Tony wanted to fill it in, claimed it attracted bugs, but he didn't. Wanda sat near the water, she took in a long breath and closed her eyes, listening to the frogs and the wind. Meditation calmed her nerves, helped her focus her power, and made her feel centered. Breathing in and out, controlling her air. Soon her body began to levitate about a foot off the ground, Wanda was surrounded in a tint of red as she let out a long breath. The sun set in the sky, the air began to get a chill to it, but Wanda was warm and content. Her mind felt free and calm as she began to lower herself to the grass and open her eyes slowly. When she did, she knew she wasn't alone. "You can sit you know." Wanda smiled, not turning around.

Bucky made his way over toward her, taking a spot in the grass beside her, "That's cool." He nodded toward her.

"I can make you levitate too." She smiled with teasing eyes.

"You could also throw me about ten feet into the woods." He smiled while shaking his head.

"Ten feet? You underestimate me." She looked out at the water seeing the bugs glide across the surface.

Bucky turned to look at her, seeing her expression so calm and relaxed, "I don't underestimate one knows how strong you really are. It's not doubt, it's just..."

"Fear." She finished his sentence, her stare still lingering on the water.

Bucker shook his head slightly, "No. Not for me at least." Wanda turned her face to him, she found his eyes and kept there, "It's the unknown. That doesn't fear me." Wanda smiled softly, "The unknown doesn't have to be fearful." Wanda scooted closer to him, then rested her head on his shoulder as he put his arm around her gently.

"I don't know my full extent. I wish I could, maybe I'll never know. But there was always be fear, even if it's not around me. People will think it." She sighed, "I can't control that."

"No, you can't." He kissed her head, "I mean you can. You can use mind control. Make them all your minions." He laughed, watching her turn her face to him and smile.

"I can do that, I'm doing it right now." They both laughed, knowing this was a joke.

"Are you ok?" Bucky rubbed her side softly.

Wanda remained silent for a moment, she had so much she had to pull back into her thoughts. "I don't know if I am ever ok." She sighed, "But right now, I'm better." She sat up and placed a hand on his neck, pulling him closer to her so she could kiss him. Slowly they both fell back into the grass, Bucky gripped her hip as they kissed. After he pulled back Wanda smiled at him, "Much better." Bucky chuckled lightly and leaned down to kiss her again.

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