Chapter Eight: Why?

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Wanda pulled the towel off his shoulders and shook it off, there was a lot of dark brown hair scattered on the floor. For a moment he sat there staring at it, he hadn't cut his hair in years, but it did feel good to let the past go. Wanda tossed the towel into the hamper beside his dresser and turned to face him, admiring her work. Cutting Pietro's hair was good practice, he always wanted it at just the right length, but even. Bucky's long locks were gone now, his hair was just about the length that Tony's was. "It will look nice when looks nice now too." Wanda smiled kindly.

"Thank you." He grinned back, still not moving from his seat.

Wanda looked across his face, you could really see it now with the hair out of the way

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Wanda looked across his face, you could really see it now with the hair out of the way. The way his eyes lifted up a bit at the far corner, his defined jawline, the way he seemed more vulnerable with his face exposed. It hit her in a way she didn't expect, or maybe she did. Then he looked up at her, his blue eyes stern yet soft at the same time. They didn't say anything, but Wanda started to feel it again, it was creeping up on her and she couldn't shake it away this time. Bucky realized it, how her eyes seemed stuck on his, then how they went absent as one's would do out of fear. Wanda turned to leave, to runaway from the situation, but she felt him grab her hand, that's when her eyes welled with tears.

"Wait..." He stood slightly, his hand holding onto hers as gently as he could, "Wanda don't run."

She didn't turn around right away, but when she did he was surprised by her tears. "James please...let me."

"I'm don't want you to be afraid of me." He spoke clearly, but she could understand the longing in his words.

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of myself." She blinked, he watched as a single tear rolled down her face. As his thumb caressed the back of her hand she felt like she was about to lose it, how calm his face was yet at the same time concerned. "Please..." Bucky reluctantly released her hand and watched her hurry out of his room. Standing there he felt useless, this time really feeling as though he had done something wrong.

The next morning the soldier woke around ten, which was sleeping in for him. The sound of Sam rattling at his door made him grunt in frustration. "Come in."

Same pushed the door open and for a moment starred at Bucky, his face lost in the new look. "Uh..."

"I got a hair cut."

"Yeah, yeah I see that." Sam nodded, crossing his arms. "Look..."

"I'm sorry." Bucky sat up un bed, his sheet fell to his lap, "I spoke out of anger, I didn't mean a word of it." Sam, who was always stern and serious, looked at Bucky with a lighthearted expression. "You're doing great, I knew you would."

"Thank you." Sam stepped back a bit, "I'm not him though...but that's ok. I don't think any of us can be Steve Roger."

"Thank God." Bucky smiled as he watched Sam stifle a laugh.

"I appreciate you man. Really." Sam pointed to the hallway, "On a less sappy note I'm about to connect on a call with Reed. You want to sit in?"

Bucky considered it for a moment, then shook his head. "I'm good. Thank you though, keep me posted."

"Always do." Sam disappeared into the hall as Bucky sat there, staring at his floor. Something told him to just go back to bed, but he knew that even though that may push things away temporarily, they would rush back twice as hard. So he got up, dressed, and headed toward the gym.

After a short workout Bucky showered and met Sam in the kitchen, though unintentional, he felt Sam had something to share. "No news on Doom, which I suppose is good news."

"Good, I'm enjoying being bored for once." The soldier took an orange from the basket on the counter and began to peel it.

"Me too. It's definitely a change I'm not mad at." Sam took a bar stool and scooted onto it. "Bruce will be out for the day so it's gonna be pretty quiet here."

Bucky furrowed his brow in confusion, "Where's Wanda?"

Sam cocked his head, "She left last night to visit Barton. Thought she would've told you."

Bucky was lost, he thought she would just run to her room, not out of New York

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Bucky was lost, he thought she would just run to her room, not out of New York. "Yeah, I must've forgot." But his face read exactly what he was thinking, why?

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