Chapter Twenty-Three: Work Isn't Easy

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Four Weeks Later

It was hot, but the alert they were sent had them all on edge. Yesterday Professor Xavier sent coordinates to Pepper on the location of some mutants that had been broken out of The Vault. This was how their days rolled by, they spent their time tracking coordinates sent by Xavier and gathered those set loose by Magneto. Though they grew annoyed, knowing it could take months for Magneto to show himself, to set his plan in motion. They did play with the idea the this was suppose to be a distraction, that somewhere else Magneto was playing his game. Until they could reach him, this was the best they could do.

Wanda spent her nights with Bucky, her own bed set lonely and unused in her room. Their nights were sleepless at times, finding themselves learning everything they could about one another's body. Their muscles, scars, everything that made them human. Wanda's first time was long gone by now, it was not anything she was ashamed of. The amount of love and warmth she felt with Bucky began to heal her in ways she didn't know where even possible. 

When the day was over they walked back into the compound, Pepper and Bucky met them soon after, they had gone to investigate another set of coordinates, though not as successful as the others. "Three. They're back at The Vault." Sam leaned back against the countertop and surveyed the room. "This is getting repetitive." His eyebrows raised, eyes landing on Pepper.

"True, but until we get more intel on Magneto's whereabouts, this is the best we can do." She crossed her arms.

"This is part of his plan. He wouldn't let us round up these people so easily. There's something we're missing." Wanda pressed her palms into the back of the chair in front of her. 

"You're not wrong, but there's no way to get to Magneto right now." Rhodes sat down, looking up as he spoke.

Wanda pulled her arms into herself, she crossed them in front of her chest and bit the inside of her cheek. Bucky watched her pull into herself, knowing her mind was working. "There is one way..." They all looked over to the witch, her eyes glued to the ground as she considered the plan in her brain. 

"No." Bucky almost read her mind, he felt his jaw clench. The protectiveness he had started to show, "We're not doing that."

"There is no other way. We can't stand around playing tag with his minions." Wanda's eyes shot to him, she tried to be strong and stand with her word, but the way he looked at her almost made her give in, almost. 

Pepper and Sam shared a glance, finally realizing what the conversation was about, "Magneto wants Wanda on his team." Sam stepped forward, trying to draw Bucky's glare, but his eyes were not leaving hers. "'s not the worst idea. You heard Xavier, she's the strongest and he knows it."

"What if he smells a trap?" Bucky looked around to everyone, getting angry at their support of the plan.

"James." Wanda walked toward him, he was surprised how she ignored everyone else in the room as she planed her hands on his wrists, he tried not to look down at her knowing her eyes would draw him in. "I wouldn't put myself in danger that I didn't think I could get out o."

"I know." He clenched his jaw, finally giving in and looked down into her eyes. 

"It's the element of surprise. We need that." Pepper agreed, though the idea of sending Wanda in blindly as a spy of sorts was a risk. "Wanda's the only one who can do it."

They agreed to work out the plan in the morning, after a long day they all needed to sleep

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They agreed to work out the plan in the morning, after a long day they all needed to sleep. Although the sun still lingered in the sky, it felt late in the day. Bucky followed Wanda outside as she leaned against the porch railing he clenched his jaw. "I remember fighting along side of you with Steve. When the Avengers were split and it turned into war." Wanda looked out into the field, listening. "I remember you helping me. I remember Steve, fighting him. I remember the pain of becoming the Winter Soldier." As his words crept into her ears she turned to face him, he was looking down at the porch floor, "I remember the fear every time those words began to hit my ears." He looked up at her, "I still fear those words. I fear what they do to me."

Wanda made her way over to him, her hands grasping his as he looked at her with the fear he was talking about, "I remember the look on peoples faces when I sent a bomb into the building in front of them. How I only wanted to save Steve, dave everyone." Wanda looked up at him, her hand reached up and caressed his cheek. "James we live with fear everyday. It's part of the job."

"The job," He looked past her for a moment, the field was peaceful and full of green. The calm around them was almost a joke, "The job." He nodded, "The job never prepared me to fall in love with you."

Wanda's eyes widened, she watched as his eyes got fuzzy with water, the feeling in her gut wouldn't go away, "This job doesn't prepare us for everything." He pushed past her and almost stomped until he reached the railing, his hands gripped it with strength. Wanda stood there for a moment, breathing in the fresh air until she made her way toward him. Beside him she too gripped the railing, only her one hands landed on his, she gulped lightly.

"I'll be careful." She bit her lip, looking over toward him. Bucky admired how her long hair blew lightly in the breeze. 

"I know." He clenched his jaw, looking at her lightly. "Sometimes I hate our job."

"You can't love it all the time." She smiled and ran her thumb over his hand softly as their eyes longed in one another stare.

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