Chapter Twenty-Five: Nausea

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As the day carried on Wanda found herself curled in a chair on the fifth floor deck, a hot cup of tea warming her hands as she starred out toward the track where Sam and Bucky were running. The steam drifted from the hot liquid surface and tickled her nose as she went in for another sip, relaxing at the warmth that shot through her aching body. All day she felt out of it, as though her limbs were betraying her and her stomach was turning. It was all chucked up to something she ate, it had to be. There was no other reason for her sudden change in health, at least this is what rattled through her mind. The shiny red nail polish that shimmered on her toes caught the sun and drew her attention, she was truly lost in thought.

So much so that she didn't look up when Pepper walked out onto the deck, followed by a very pepped up Morgan. The young girl ran over to the railing and looked out, small hands supporting her pointed chin. Wanda finally looked up to observe the child, how her rounded eyes were full of intensity without being overwhelmed, how she seemed to absorb everything around her without letting it take over her mind. As far as children went, Wanda wasn't really well practiced with them. Being the youngest in a small family and volunteering for Hydra's experiments at a young age, she never really had that opportunity to interact with kids. Not that she didn't want to, but this life she lived as an Avenger never really opened doors for things like family. Oddly enough, her mind was wandering this direction with no known course. As she starred at Morgan she wondered if they would always be just what they were now, no growth. No opportunity for families or normal lives. It wasn't a bad thing, but for some reason her mind was wandering that way. It could have been sparked by Steve, how he lived so many lives and his last one was surrounded by love and grandchildren. Steve deserved that more than any of them, Wanda knew that.

"Don't climb that railing and fall four stories." Pepper crossed her arms and grinned at her daughter.

"Wanda would catch me." Morgan sassed back, but somehow in a very polite way.

"Baby, Wanda is here on the deck. She'd never make it in time." Morgan looked back at her mother with a 'you're not serious' look on her face, which made Pepper smile. Of course Wanda would make it on time, but it was Pepper's goal to try and keep Morgan's life as normal as possible.

"It'll never work you know," Wanda looked over to Pepper who was crouching down to sit in the chair beside the witch, her face was full of confusion from her words. Wanda tucked a long piece of red hair behind her ear and sighed softly, "Her father was Tony Stark, her mother is funding the Avengers. She's in for a life full of surprises, it'll never be normal."

"I know." Pepper nodded, her head slowly turning to view her child again, "I can try though. Little things."

A couple days passed, they kept their eyes on security cameras and watched the news religiously. Although they were somewhat still respected by the government there was still the tension that had been piling up since the accords. So Pepper had to do some digging around to collect information, that was until Sam and her took a meeting with the head of the Secret Service and they prepped them on the threat. After that they must've known they needed the Avengers, so information began to pour in. It had been a week since that day on the deck and Wanda was starting to grow concerned. Waking up around three in the morning to run to the bathroom with nausea was getting a bit old, she never woke the soldier though. Once Bucky was asleep, he was out. So when her small frame would shimmy out of his arms and leave the bed he never seemed to notice. Not until this morning when she woke up and felt herself begin to cough, the nausea mixed with throwing up was giving her a dry throat.

"Hey..." A sleepy, deep voice croaked from beside her. Bucky's metal hand found the small of her back and landed there. The chill sparked up her back as the cool metal began to sooth her skin. "Are you ok?"

Wanda pressed her fingers at her temples and sighed loudly, "No."

Bucky pushed off the bed and leaned forward, "What's wrong?"

"I fell...sick..." She muttered, not wanted to really talk because the feeling of her vocal chords moving would kick start her throat and she would want to vomit. Gently he pushed her hair out of her face, he didn't speak, what was there to say? So he rubbed her back softly, Wanda leaned into him, his metal arm cool on her skin was comforting.

That day when life began to trickle through the compound Wanda rolled out of bed and pulled herself into the shower. Typically she would turn the water on as hot as she could get it, but with the clammy feeling of her skin and the rattling headache she was sporting she decided a cool shower would better sooth her. After that she didn't bother to really get dressed, pulling on a pair of yoga pants and a long sleeved shirt she made her way down to Banner's lab.

" headache, nausea, cold sweats, you get sick in the morning a lot?" Bruce raised his thick, bushy eyebrow at the witch. When she nodded he half grinned at her, which made her roll her eyes.

 When she nodded he half grinned at her, which made her roll her eyes

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"Don't laugh at my discomfort." Wanda teased, her deep breath made her back crack softly, she leaned back to stretch more.

Bruce gripped the clipboard and shook his head in defense, "No no...just considering what tests to run. Let take some blood, I can run a few and see if you've just got a bug." Bruce took a couple vials and disappeared into the back room. Wanda gripped the gurney and sighed, it didn't take long for Banner to return, "You don't have to stay, I know Pepper and Sam will be waiting for you upstairs. They finally got that Professor dude and his blue pet on web call. I'll find you when the tests are done."

Wanda thanked him and made her way to the meeting room.

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