Chapter Three: Thank You

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Six Months Later

Time, as everyone knew, was a precious thing. Time can heal just as quickly as it can destroy. It can fill in the cracks of a broken heart as it dances on. Time can bring people back and it can't.

Italy, Greece, England, all the beautiful structures and people helped time pass. Some wounds would never heal, Wanda was learning, but they can stop hurting. It was time, she knew, to go home. A few weeks ago Sam Wilson contacted her, the compound was up and functional. There was a wing where Pepper carefully planned apartments for them all, it would be as before, only better. A larger training room, kitchen, leisure rooms, a gym, everything they could ever need. "Tony would love it." Pepper was proud, as she should be.

When Wanda stepped out of the taxi she finally caught glimpse of the large white building

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When Wanda stepped out of the taxi she finally caught glimpse of the large white building. It was bigger from the outside that she could tell, the amount of windows that lined the front was impressive. A large metal 'A' was placed tastefully on the front. Even the landscape was beautiful. As she walked she admired the red and yellow flowers, all bloomed and absorbing the rays from the sun. When she reached the door she took a deep breath, she was ready for this, but it was still going to be hard. Wanda had a duty to the world, Vision would want her to keep fighting for the good.

Although massive, the door itself was not heavy. It swung open toward her and closed swiftly as she stepped in. The dark marble floor beneath her boots was shiny and clean. Paintings of modern art hung precisely on the white walls, a neat rug lined the hallway and surrounding area. The click of her boots was bound to draw attention, though from the dozen of cameras she spotted outside, she knew she was not going to surprise anyone.

"Welcome home." Sam's stride was full of pride as he walked toward the witch. "I'm glad you came back. We need you." He stopped in front of her and crossed his arms. Trying his best to take his new leadership and make everyone proud.

Wanda smiled softly, the shield was strapped to his back, seems he had just finished with some training. "It looks good on you."

"I'm trying." He smiled back, taking a deep breath and relaxing. "Let me show you around, then show you your new room."

The tour was short and sweet. Starting off with the new kitchen, much larger than needed, but stunning. Marble countertops lined clean, white cabinets that housed frosty glass doors. The floor was a deep wood with tasteful throw rugs. A long countertop bar lined one side with tall metal stools. The lighting bright and awake. After the kitchen was the meeting room, it was bigger than that last and much more spacious. The large glass table was surrounded with comfortable rolling chairs. Multiple screens stuck to one wall for messages and news. Wanda hoped they would use this one less.

Down a long hall they passed spacious bathrooms and closets until they reached the gym and training space. The room itself was probably 40% of the building alone. The entire outer wall was tall, thick, tinted windows. The best equipment placed strategically around the room. A large doorway lead into the prep room, where lockers and safes stored valuable gear and weapons. Outside the windows Sam pointed out the large lap pool, tennis courts, track, and the multiple buildings that housed jets and cars. Wanda wasn't wonderstruck just yet, these were all things the old compound had, yet she admired the attention to detail you could see from Pepper. From the framed newspaper articles to encased memorabilia. Her favorite, oddly enough, was the suit of armor that was encased in the training room in the far corner. Sam mentioned how he thought it should have a room of it's own, but Pepper said it needed to be a reminder always present, never hidden away.

After a couple more rooms were out of the way Wanda expressed her exhaustion and Sam lead her toward the elevators, all while explaining where everyone's rooms were. Sam's was beside Bucky's on the fourth floor close to the meeting room, Banner's was adjacent his lab, there was even a room for Pepper and Morgan if they needed it. There was multiple rooms set up for those who would ever need it. Then Sam said something that finally wonderstruck her, Wanda's room was beside the library. Something Bucky recommended, knowing she loved to read. "I'll have to thank him." Wanda smiled kindly, wondering how the soldier would remember something so small from back in Wakanda.

The library was on the seventh floor, which also meant her room would have a scenic view. Sam pointed out the door then left her to relax and collect her thoughts. Taking a moment she watched the elevator doors close before rereleasing the breath she had been holding. It was a lot to be back, but she knew this was her place. Wandering around Europe would eventually bore her and she wouldn't feel like she was doing any good. At least being an Avenger made her feel as though she had a sense of purpose, that she was helping people. Even if she hadn't felt that way in the beginning of her time here.

Slowly her hand grazed the doorknob and she pushed the door open. Inside the room was deep, her windows were large yet tinted for privacy. The bed was huge, dressed with a deep purple plush blanket and multiple pillows. Wanda sighed, Pepper had good taste. Then to her surprise a new guitar set soundly near the windows, a shelf lined with music books and fresh strings was only a step away from the music stand. Candles scattered in small places, the closet doors held up large mirrors, curtains hung low. It was breathtaking, defiantly something Wanda would had designed herself. 

As she walked further into the room she stopped, the wall above her dresser was scattered neatly with framed photos, but she had to step closer to see what they were. As the images came into view she bit her lip, admiring the shots in front of her. There was a newspaper clipping with Wanda attacking one of Ulton's bots, a few more of her with Clint's children. As her eyes danced across the images she grew more and more grateful and sad, all at once. Teardrops even welled in her eyes. A photo of Natasha and Wanda all dressed up for one of the events Stark had held, another where she was playing pool with Natasha and Clint. Then there was a paper clipping for Pietro, naming him a hero and an honorary Avenger. Then there was a small photo, it's edges were burnt and it looked crumbled yet pieced back together. It was Wanda and Pietro as children, this photo she had since the bombing. Thought to be lost forever since the war, but somehow right now, it was in front of her again.

A small knock brought her back to the now, she turned to see James standing at her doorway, he didn't say anything, probably because the tears that slowly rolled down her face. Wanda sighed, wiped her eyes, and rubbed her arm slightly. The soldier nodded, stepping into the room a bit further, clearing his throat before saying a word, "Sam said you were here, wanted to say hi, see how you're going."

"Better, oddly." She bit the inside of her cheek and shifted her weight onto her other hip, watching him cross his arms as his eyes passed her shoulder and landed on the photos behind her.

"Pepper wanted more photos around here. Said the past was better remembered than forgotten."

"We are where we are now, because of the past." Wanda breathed, settling into the moment. They've always been comrades, ever since Wakanda, but the air between them seemed...thin, ever since the funeral. "Look at Steve."

Bucky smiled softly, his eyes fluttering toward the carpet. "Steve would love to see you."

"Would he?" She met his eyes, "I get the feeling he isn't seeing much of anyone."

"Yeah, even me. It''s ok though. When he is happy, I can feel it. And that's enough." His metal hand clenched into a fist, but not with anger.

There was silence, neither of them spoke for a moment. Then Wanda took in air slowly and pointed behind her slightly, "Do you know..."

"I did." He knew exactly what she was asking and why. The photo of her and her brother had meant so much to her and when he and Sam rummaged through the remains of the old compound he found it. Although in a few pieces, he knew it was something to salvage.

Wanda's face fell, it was shocking. Her stomach tightened, she didn't understand. "How...why?" There was not a moment she could remember ever showing him that photo.

"Back in Wakanda, you had that photo with you all the time. It was your bookmark whenever you had a book in your hand." Now it felt silly, he took a deep breath and looked out the window. "I know how it feels, and I knew you'd want that photo back."

Wanda rolled her lips together, her eyes wandered everywhere but on him. How could she say thank you when she couldn't even speak right now? So she stepped forward, a surprise to him, and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his chest, and hugged him. Bucky took a moment, not quite expecting that action, but he gently hugged her back. That's how you say thank you without words. 

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