Chapter Sixteen: Cut Deep

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Wanda was sitting back against the wall, her body was shaking in the cold chill air. The witch looked defeated everywhere but in her face, the pain was not shown, her eyes still glared up at the man who introduced himself as Magneto. Magneto spoke of his 'kind' and how he wanted humans to understand them better.

 Magneto spoke of his 'kind' and how he wanted humans to understand them better

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"I've heard of your kind." She chattered, "Vaguely, but I've heard of them."

Magneto folded his hands gently together in front of him, "You see Wanda, you're choice of words needs to change." Her eyes assessed him as he wandered back and forth, "They're not just my kind. They're our kind."

Wanda breathed out her nose roughly, "What?"

"You see Wanda, I've read so much about you. Whether it be on the news or in long...long lost Hydra files. I know exactly who you are, perhaps better than you know yourself." Wanda didn't like his choice of words, she pulled her knees closer to her chest and listened, "My dear you are a mutant."

"I wasn't born like this." She was quick to spit back at him, but he seemed ready for it, excited even.

"That's it though! Not all of us are born this way. You were made to be this way, honored with the gift of mutant genes. Not everyone is so lucky." His eyes glimmered as he spoke about mutants.

"You talk as though mutants are superior." 

Magneto smiled, a proud teacher, "That's exactly it my dear. We are superior. Human's do not understand us, they fear us!" He started to grow angry, "They lock us away for using our gifts!!"

"Those people you broke out of The Vault were criminals...murderers." Wanda was hearing what he taught, but she just wanted buying it.

His eye sneered toward her, "Not much different from yourself are they? Like I said before, I know you very well Wanda. From Ultron to your joining of the Avengers. There is a body count with your name on it." Wanda sucked in air, her pain began to reflect in her eyes, the memories flooded her brain. "You can play good all you want, deep down you know your destructive path is all Hydra's fault. Humans did this to you." Wanda tried to breath in but her air staggered. "Then...your brother."

Eyes glowed red, "DON'T SPEAK ABOUT HIM!" But just as her magic rose Magneto twisted his hand and the metal restraints tightened on her wrists causing her to holler out in pain.

"What was his name?" He played her, watched her angry rise but tightened all the metal around her, keeping the beast at bay. "Pietro?" Wanda wanted to scream, but the large restraint on her neck pulled it back in. "Dead." Tears rolled down Wanda's face as her body shook more, it was pain physically and mentally, it roared through her body. "Human's ruined your life. Honestly a human created Ultron, look what he did." He nodded, "You're..." Magneto walked closer and knelt in front of her, Wanda struggled to breath, "...spectacular. A beautiful creation who needs to prove herself? No no my dear. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. Mutants know you, understand you. Myself, Mystique. You aren't an're a mutant. Be proud of it." Wanda felt the restraints release as he backed away, she hurried to catch her breath. "You're not my prisoner Wanda." He turned back to her, his eyes full of pity. "You're your own..."

Magneto walked out of the room with the door open, Wanda felt the tears roll down her face as she felt her lungs pulsing. A shadow caught her attention, but by the time Wanda looked up a blue blur knocked her to the ground and everything went black.

New York City was wet with a continuous rain, the compound was dark and dreary with empty halls. All the bodies that did occupy the building were tapping fingers and biting lips in the meeting room. Over a dozen maps littered the screens around them, photos of jets and news articles flickered past the maps every so often. 

"None of these reflect where they would be headed." Sam poked at the screen near him that displayed the photos of jets and their whereabouts. 

"I haven't caught any of the criminal's faces on any security camera that I've scanned, they must've gone North." Pepper was frustrated and ran another scan.

Rhodes and Banner watched some old news clips about Magneto, watching photos shower the screen and pass by. It was Bucky who was quiet, making no effort to pay attention to anything other than the table in his hands. None of them were aware of the security cameras outside and what they picked up. Pepper scanned cameras in the North in the hopes of picking anything up.

Outside near the road a black car stopped at the gates, the tinted windows and lack of plates just added to the whole mystery of it. 

"Ms. Potts." A voice echoed through the meeting room. 

"Yes Friday?" Pepper didn't look up from her screen.

"There is activity out front." Just as Friday finished all the screens were replaced with the security footage from the front gate. There they saw the black car and not too long after they all watched the door open slowly.

"Friday zoom in on that door. I want security on those gates immediately." Pepper looked up to see Sam and Banner headed out the door. The computer honed in closer and caught the image of red hair.

"James..." Pepper spoke quickly as she realized he was standing up. Wanda was pushed out of the car and her body fell to the ground. Bucky was already running down the hall, he reached the front door where Sam and Banner were walking down the drive. 

"FOLLOW THAT CAR!!!" Bucky yelled toward them, Sam quickly nodded and shrugged his shoulders as his wings shot out. Before Bruce could say a word Sam was off the ground and following the car as it speed down the road. 

Bucky running put Banner into panic, he picked up his speed and beat the soldier to the gate. On the other side Wanda was just coming to, the fall to the ground as she was pushed out of the car pulled her to consciousness. Bruce knelt beside her and assessed her wounds as quick as he could. "Get her to my lab."

"I'm going after that car." Bucky's eyes were focused down the street although there was nothing there.

"GET HER TO MY LAB!" Banner's voice shook, Bucky looked over and his eyes finally landed on the witch. Bruce could have carried her, but he needed someone's help and Bucky was unfortunately it at the moment.

Wanda's eyes were closed, he saw the bruising on her neck, wrists, the dried blood on her cracked lips. Dark circles creased under her eyes, she looked like a child so small and fragile. The moment her lips parted and a soft groan hits ears Bucky scooped her up as gently as he could and walked with Bruce back to the compound. As they headed down the hall Bucky looked down at the witch in his arms and felt his heart wrench. "Hey..." He whispered in her ear, "We got you Red..." His voice lowered, "I got you."

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