Chapter 19

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Yoongi's POV

I meant it when I said I was going to find and kill that motherfucker.

Mina fell asleep and I asked Chaeyoung to look after her. Even if I've only known Chaeyoung for a short period of time, she was one out of many beings that I can trust.

Unlike those who I met, she doesn't lie, she's honest and reliable. I can entrust Mina with her because I know Mina will be safe with Chaeyoung no matter where they are.

I'm now with Mark and Jackson on our way to pick Jimin up. I was only planning to go there alone but Mark and Jackson told Jimin about it and now they're tagging along.

I can't be mad at them for tagging along. I know they're worried and I'm glad they came with me because I lose control when I'm mad.

They know how bad my temper is. Even I myself is scared of my own temper. It goes bad then worse and even worst if it's Mina the one who got hurt. I just can't help it. I love my sister so much and if she's hurt then I might be dying in pain.

I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt a hand grab my own. I turn to look at Jimin who was looking at me with worried eyes so I kissed his forehead to assure him that I was fine ... for now.

I've actually never fell in love with anyone before because back then people think I'm scary and unapproachable so no one dare talk to me even back in high school but this person next to me was the second one before Mark to come talk to me.

Mark and I were best friends since elementary school so we're close.

Jimin was the shy and quiet type so I've never really paid any mind to him.

He also has a lot of fangirls following him around but I've never thought he fell for me instead.

At first he was so shy that he couldn't even talk properly but after a few months we started talking normally like how friends do and that's how we get to know each other.

He confessed to me one day and at first I didn't know what to do or to say to him so I ran away but when he was out of school for a week, I realized that I missed him and that was when I know who my heart belongs to.

Though I may sound like it was easy but we've been through so much pain just to be together.

His parents were against us and he was sent abroad so we couldn't see each other again.

His parents ordered him to cut all ties with me and only god knows how broken-hearted I was.

I squeezed his hand and he look up at me. I swear those orbs of his were one of those special things that attracted me the most.

I can look at them all day and wouldn't get bored.

I'll tell y'all mine and Jimin's story next time though since right now, I have some things to deal with.

"Suga!" I got startled when Mark shouted my name.

"Jesus Christ! Can you not shout??! I'm not deaf for pete's sake!"

"Sorry man my bad but here..." he handed me his phone. "Mina called you but you weren't picking up". I quickly took his phone.


[Oppa! Where are you?!] She's panicking again.

[Chillax. I'm not that far from home. I'll be back later].

[Oppa ... you're at Bambam's house aren't you?]. I sighed because she knew I lied though I sounded so calm. [Please come back...]

[I will ... after I deal with him]. I wasn't even joking.

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