Chapter 59

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No One's POV

"Why aren't you looking at me??" Sana asked softly as she tugged onto Tzuyu's sleeve. "Look at me". Sana said but Tzuyu refuses to look at the girl so Sana had to forcefully make Tzuyu turn to face her. "You think I'd hate you for it isn't it?" Tzuyu finally look up with tears threatening to fall. "There's no way I would. You risked your life to save them. You did your best and I don't know why that Elkie girl still calls you a murder when you almost died trying to save her parents..."

Tzuyu gulp as she tries to hold back her tears.

"To think she has someone who loves her and cherish her this much, anyone would've been jealous. I don't know if she's stupid or she just wants to blame you because after all the real culprit was never caught....". she caress Tzuyu's face and smiled at the girl. "Thank you for telling me. I know I was being pushy but seeing you look so stressed out sometimes, I just want to take some of your burdens so that you wouldn't have to suffer alone..."

Sana pulled Tzuyu into a hug while caressing her head lovingly.

"I... Sana I really.... I—"Sana kissed the girl. It was just a short kiss.

"You don't have to force yourself to say anything. You don't have to pretend anymore when you're around me ..." Sana wipe the tears that fell from Tzuyu's eyes away. "I'm in love with you Tzuyu-ah and I don't want you to pretend to be someone that's not you because the person I love is the real you". Tzuyu's tears started falling just like a water fall. "I'll never stop loving you. I can swear my life on that". Tzuyu finally lets go and started bawling like a baby.

Sana cried along with Tzuyu but she had a smile on her face. She really does loves Tzuyu a lot.

'No matter what we're gonna go through from here on out, I will forever remain by your side unless you don't want me anymore. I promise that I'll love you and protect you no matter what even if I have to use myself as a shield to protect you. I will gladly do so if it means protecting you. That's just how much I love you'. Sana said to herself because she can't say it directly.


Tzuyu fell asleep in Sana's arms. Sana didn't leave her side even for a single second. She's just glad to see that relaxed face because the girl always seem to have a nightmare everytime she sleeps.

She remembered that she woke up because Tzuyu was talking in her sleep. She sounded so afraid and just so broken. She saw how Tzuyu was sweating badly.

Sana ended up waking Tzuyu up because she's worried since Tzuyu was sweating furiously and she kept saying that she didn't do it.

Sana have been worried for so long. She didn't ask before because she thought it wasn't a good idea since it must be a touchy topic.

But she couldn't stand seeing Tzuyu like that whenever she's sleeping anymore. She knows Tzuyu is plenty happy right now but that trauma of hers still haunts her and Sana wanted to help Tzuyu overcome it and by doing so was to confront the girl head on.

She really wanted to just go and beat the f*ck out of Elkie because she found the girl really obnoxious and what she did to Tzuyu was unacceptable.

"How could she do something like that to you ... all you did was loved her and protect her but she repaid all those with hate. She left you traumatized and not even a bit feeling sorry for it. How could she..." Sana clenched her fist because she badly wanted to go find Elkie.

Sana look at Tzuyu who was sleeping just like a baby and for the first time, Tzuyu didn't have that nightmare.

She smiled and bop Tzuyu's nose before leaving a kiss on the girl's forehead.

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