Chapter 18

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A/n-song of the chapter, this afternoon by nickelback


You were wild once.

Don't let them tame you

- isadora duncan


I love how in scary movies the person yells out "hello?"

As if the killer is going to be like "yeah, i'm in the kitchen. Want a sandwich?"


"When you screw up, skip a workout or eat a bad meal, it doesn't make you a bad person. It makes you human. Welcome to the club. There's like seven billion of us."


"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, i want it more that i can tell."

-beauty and the beast


If you can dream it you can do it.

- walt disney


"Go ahead, make a fool of yourself, then maybe you'll listen to your conscience"

- Jiminey cricket


"I knew who i was this morning, but i've changed a few times since then."

- alice in wonderland


Some do drugs, some go for a run, but at the end we're all just searching for that tiny space, perhaps a hole, that gives us shelter from the terrible reality of the world.



But how can i move on when your fingertips are still on my heart and your voice still resonates down to my toes and your smile lives in my eyes and every time my mind wanders, it goes directly to you.

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