Chapter 90

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A/n - My shadow's only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
- boulevard of broken dreams by green day.

I refuse to open snapchat videos in public because i do not trust my friends at all.

*gets homework out of school bag and places it on the desk*
I think that'sw enough homework for today.

Who else hates the sound of their own voice on video?

My level of maturity changes depending on who i'm with.

Roses are red,
I'm going to bed.

It's actually impossible for my room to stay clean longer than 24 hours.

Giving a sarcastic answer when someone asks a dumb question, pretty much sums up me at school.

I like people too much or not at all.

Trust me, when i woke up today i had no plans to be this sexy.
But hey, shit happens.

Me: Siri tell me a joke.
Siri: *opens up camera roll*

a/n- question of the chapter, if you could stop one bad habit of yours, what would it be? (This is taken from 'question and answer' by K3v1nr0bins0n , check him out) vote comment follow

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