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Katarina Moon was twenty one. It wasnt her fault she was trapped. She followed the cult, her cult, out to the woods. She strongly believes it was a trap.

She was a leader, training to become High Priestess. It was a full moon ritual they were trying to do, a fresh new spot. She left the choice of the spot up to one of the members. She didnt know it was enemy territory, until attacked by the Beta.

Through the woods she ran, as fast as her feet would carry her, back to her cult. Everyone left her and she was alone with the sounds of growling and jaw snapping behind her. She ran faster.

The Beta pounced on her back knocking her to the ground. As her head smashed on a rock everything went black.

Beta Aaron, devoted to his Alpha of the Full Moon pack, carried the bleedin unconscious girl to their pack house basement. They locked her in the room with nothing but a metal cot and a bucket to piss in. She deserved it, the tresspassing witch.

She had auburn hair and soft tan skin. She was average size, kinda thick but in all the right places. She smelled good, like lavender and coffee, though an odd combination. Her breasts we big, complimenting her curves. Her ass was plump as she layed sprawled on her side.

Her black hi-low dress that she wore for the ritual had slid up a bit from being thrown on the cot, revealing her pink lace panties. Oh, he wanted to bury his face in her.

Calming his wolf, for now, he left her in the basement room, locked the door behind him and went to find his Alpha.

Hours had passed, it was pitch black in the room. Katrina's head hurt and she felt blood on her forehead that had dried. The door unlocked and opened yobreveal the Beta. She knew he was the Beta because he was tall but not as tall.

Beta Aaron had dark hair and dark eyes, he had tan skin and was a bit bigger than average men she has seen. He had a fierce look in his eye, and before she knew it he was forcing himself on her.

He pinned her arms down above her head. She tried to kick and fight but he was stronger. He flipped her onto her stomach and layed against her back. It was hard to breathe and harder to fight. He kissed her neck and felt her breasts. His hands roamed over her body and she felt a hand on her back side. He slid her panties down and slid a finger in. She was a virgin. Well she was until his manhood was at her entrance. With a thrust of his hips against hers he entered her and she yelled out. He put a hand around her throat, stopping any noise from her mouth.

"You feel that little witch? You feel that hard cock in you? Now you are my little bitch. I claim you." He whispered in her ear and climaxed.

After he fixed himself and left she used her bucket, put on her panties and curled in a ball on the hard cot.

Rape. She had just been raped. No longer pure. No longer a virgin to be saved for her significant other. She lay there in the dark closet.

All she could do was think to herself.

What is gonna happen to me? Why did he have to do that? Can this get any worse?

She was thankful she was alone while she cried.

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