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It was sundown. It was fight time.

It was life or death.

Aaron was determined to give his brother death. He craved being Alpha too much. He needed it. He needed the power.

Jayson? Yea he would put up the est fight he could. Katarina was right and he knew it. Aaron was distracted, to consumed by the thought of power to be focused on his fighting style. Jay might actually have the best advantage here. He needed to win to protect Kat, to protect his pack and its future.

The brothers were face to face in a field, circling each other behind the old house. They were a few feet apart from each other. Aaron faced South with Ashley behind him while Jay faced North with Kat behind him. The girls stayed still as the boys began to get closer to eachother, circling eachother, eyes never wavering from each others. Kat was scared for her mate, and a small gasp escaped her lips as Aaron leaped and swung his right arm out trying to connect his fist to Jay's face. Jay was quick to dodge it. He let Aaron swing some more; left then rght then left the step and kick, all while dodging him, letting him get tired. It worked and then Aaron started getting mouthy.

"You think you are so tough, Brother. You keep backing away. You aren't fighting me yourself, coward. Hit me!" He yelled.

"Why waste my energy when you aren't even able to get a hit on me? We could end this now Aaron, we don't have to fight like this. But, you just had to go and challenge your Alpha." Jay said.

"Challenge, and I will win!"Aaron yelled and leaped towards Jay, connecting his right fist to the left side of Jay's cheek. Jay's head whipped to the side and he stumbled back sightly. He was still faster than Aaron and he spun aroung connecting a fist to his shoulder. "I wonder how Katarina will feel as I force her into a wolf, mateless since he's dead!" Aaron shouted at Jayson. Jayson had enough of his opinions and as he lept through the air at his brother, he shifted to his wolf form, and his claws connected with Aarons shoulder. Aaron yelped, and shifted as well, connect his front paw with Jay's back.

Katarina was still shocked by Jayson's tall, broad black wolf. His wolf practically oozed Alpha and Aaron's wolf was big and dark grey, but still slightly smaller than Jay's.

Now in wolf forms, the guys were stronger. They were now out for blood. Katarina knew, this fight was going to end with one of the two wolves dead, and she hated to admit it, but she was really hoping it wasn't her mate. Kat watched as Ashley was bouncing from foot to foot., her eyes shown black to red as she was fighting to keep her wolf at bay. It was a fight between the two wolves, no one was allowed to interfere.

It was fully dark out, stars shone in the pitch black with the full moon lighting up the woods for the wolves. Kat knew this was a very intense fight but she was at peace. When Jay won she was determined to seek out that witch and have a little chat with her. Kat dre her attention away from her wandering mind and back to the fight at hand. Both wolves looked hurt. Aaron's grey fur was darker in some places where the blood had seeped out. Jay was a black wolf and though hard to see the blood Kat knew that her mate was in pain from the way he was walking, but knew that he would mask it as much as he could till the fight was over.

A few hours later, after more snapping and growling and clawing and biting, Kat watched as one wolf leaped in the moonlight at the other, watched as claws went out and the tossed and rolled around on the grass. She continued to watch as teeth met bones over and over whether it be the arm or leg or side, and eventually she watched as teeth met the neck. There was a low whimoer then a growl. She watched and waited for the snap of the neck to declare the ther wolf dead, to declare the official Alpha, but there was none. Instead the wolf whose neck was trapped stretched his neck out and whimpered low, submitting to the other wolf.

Ashley was furious and as she lept throught the air, she shifted to her dirty blonde wolf form, pouncing onto the black wolf. Before she could connect with him, Kat had thrown her hands out and Air had caught the shewolf in mid air. Ashley looked confused then shocked as she realized she was suspended in mid air. Kat moved so she was standning in front of Jay, brown eyes locked onto the red ones of the shewolf.

"You will not touch him. Your mate lost fair and square. He should be dead! Instead, the true Alpha spared his life. Threaten his life again, either of you, and I will end both of yours. Mark my words, without hesitation, you will die by my hand. I suggest you pack up and leave." Kat said, with suprising confidence. She felt different, stronger and more in tune with her magic. She liked it.

After setting the wolf down, the shewolf went over to her mate who still layed on his front paws on the ground. Ashley nudged his cheek, and together they got up and left the woods. Kat turned and looked at her man, a smile on her face triggering a chuckle out of him. He was handsome, even cvered in blood and limping in pain. "Come here, let me heal you." She said. Using her water magic, she healed some of the deeper cuts on his body, nowing his wolf would heal the rest that weren't so deep.

"Thank you my queen, my Luna." He said as he wrapped his arm around her waist an pulled her in for a kiss.

She was proud of her mate for winning, relieved that he would be okay and that he would turn her and not Aaron. It almost seemed as if life would go back to normal now, or so she thought.

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