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Day after day and night after night Katarina stayed in the basement. Every night she was visited by Beta Aaron who did as he wished with her. She layed there and she let him do what he wanted to her, wished him away and she would curl up in the dark, alone. She had no more tears to cry so he plotted. Katarina instead thought up of ways to kill the man she hated most and get back to her people.

As she lay in the dark she used her magic to light a small fire in her hand. It gave her warmth and it gave her light.

She put it out as she heard someone approach her. It was a girl. She had golden hair and was about five foot six inches tall, just about two inches taller than Katarina. She had brown eyes and a light tan skin color to her. She looked at Katarina and smiled.

"Come with me Kat. Let's get you cleaned up and get you out of this basement." She said. Kat hesitated. Was she serious? What would the Alpha or Beta say? Slowly she stood up and followed the girl out of the basement. It was abut afternoon time so when the outside light hit her Kat's eyes it stung a bit. She breathed in the fresh air and was thakful for it.

The girl led Kat up to the pack house. It was a beautiful place. A huge house with at least six bedrooms and three bathrooms. Victorian style with a grand foyer. Katarina would almost enjoy a place like this, should she not be the prisoner. Uptairs the two girls went and down the hall where all the bedrooms were. When you enter the door there was a king size bed with a canopy against the opposite wall, a night stand on either side, to the left a walk in closet line wth shelves and racks fot clothes and there was a bathroom to the right. The girl led Kat to the bathroom. Four lights were above the huge vanity mirror and above the marble sink. The bathtub was a large garden tub reminding Kat of a hot tun but inside and for bathing.

The girl helped Kat into the tub and helped bathe her. Kat loved the feel of the hot water on her. As the girl washed her she spoke to Kat.

"I bet this water feels very nice. I'm sorry for what my brother did to you. He is a bit different, always in our brother's shadow. He is most loyal to his Alpha, though he is a bit of a selfish ass himself. He wants power and control and since he is unmated, he sadly acts out in worse ways. I blame the fact he was adopted. You may get to meet my mate later however. Connor is our pack commander, head of the warriors. He is so sweet and so good to me and out doing patrols right now." the girl ket talking. She was sweet and Kat liked her. Kat could make good friends with this girl.

"I can bathe myself, but thank you for the help and being so kind to me." Kat said. It had been so long since she talked she almost didnt recognize her own voice. The girl rubbed an orchid shampoo into Kat's hair. It felt so good to be clean and Kat was relieved that she was out of the basement.

"My name is Lilianna by the way. You can call me Lily." The girl, Lily, said and she beamed a smile at Kat.

"Katarina. Kat for short." She said.

"Ah, now I see why my brother calls you kitten. Don't blush, I think it's sweet. He acts different around you than anyone else." She said.

Kat thought about that for a minute. "I'm sorry for trespassing. Please tell your Alpha that. I really just want to go home. Please, I will do anything and everything just get me out of here. Let me return to my home and we will never cross paths again with the wolves." Kat said to Lily.

Lily looked at her, kinda sad. She felt for the girl, she really did. She wasn't an Alpha though, only a warrior's mate. "I know hun and trust me if it was up to me, I'd let you go in a heartbeat. I cannot though. Here, the purple stuff there is shower gel. Here is a cloth to wash. I will be right back." Lily told her.

Kat started to worry as she washed. What if Lily told someone what she said? What if the Beta over heard?

Lily returned a few moments later. She had a fluff purple robe and a grey towel.

"I laid out some clothes for you for tonight. We are roughly the dame size and build. The pants may be a little long but oh well."

"It's perfect, thank you." Kat said. She really meant it. She dressed in the black yoga pants and maroon tank that Lily picked out. Her bust was a bit larger than Lily's but it was still comfortable. She felt clean an fresh, almost sexy in new clothes. "May I ask a question Lily? What are the Alpha's plans for me?"

Lily sat on the edge of the bed as Kat stood in front of her, hands folded in front of her. She looked at her feet, avoiding eye ontact wtht the she-wolf. "Kat, I'm honestly not sure. My brother has been doing his Alpha duties. He wants to keep you around, almost as an example. I noticed that my brother, Aaron, took a liking to you. I don't think Jay likes that very much." Lily said. Kat met her eyes, and a tear betrayed her.

"A-aaron raped me. He forced himself on me and played with me like I was his own personal play toy. Please,  can't go back to the basement." Kat said.

"My brother isn't right in the head. When he was a child, his parents were murdered by witches. They were on a hunt and the witches, they attacked. I believe they were protecting their small child they had with them in the woods. The old Alpha, mine and Jay's father, took him in adopting him as one of his own. He then became a moon, and when Jay took over as Alpha, he became Jay's Beta. He has trained under Jay for as long as I can recall. He is loyal to our brother. But he gets these moods; certain things trigger him and he goes off and does what he wants. It's almost like a form of PTSD or something. I guess it happens when you see your murdered parents' bodies." Lily seemed almost lost in thought, like she was remembering Aaron as a small child. She didn't seem much yunger than him and Kat couldn't guess if he was ever kind.

"I can understand hating witches. A wolf murdered my parents as well, but I could never to one of you what he did to me. He took my innocence." Kat said.

"I know sweetie and I know that is something you can't get back. I promise he won't go near you again. I will talk to my brother, the Alpha. For now get some rest. There is your bed over there." Lily pointed to the corner of the room. It looked like a big dog bed,big enough for a great dane, and Kat was greatful it wasn't th metal cot in the basement. "We have a busy day tomorrow. Good nght little Kat." Lily sad.

She shut the light and Kat made her way to corner. She could easily look out the glass doors that led to a balcony. As she closed her eyes she saw a pair of golden eyes staring back at her. She instantly drifted to sleep with butterflies in her stomach, and had the best sleep she had in a long time.

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