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After dinner had finished Kat had cleaned up with Sara. It was now seven at night a d Sara was retiring to her room for the night. On the way to her own space, Kat had heard a noise upstairs. Lily was in her room and there was moaning coming from the room. She smiled, assuming Conner had made his way to his mate, and decided to head for the study.

She found it was empty and went in to find that book again. Once she found it she opened to that one page. Keeping her place she flipped through, page after page after page. She was hoping to be able to find answers. It looked as though it dated back generations prior, keeping record of every pack member and their mate. She didnt recognize any of the names which made her question even more as to why her name was there.

Alpha had entered and watched her read through the book.

"Its a long line of wolves." He said to her. She jumped a little, deep in thought, but recovered just as fast. "So many names and ancestors, hard to keep track." He said. She just looked at him.

"How long have you known?" She asked him. "What does it mean? It cant be possible." She continued.

"I've known since we moved you up here inside. I was searching through shortly after I found out that Aaron had- hurt you. I wanted to see if you two were mated. Instead I saw that. I was just as confused so I researched further back. I do believe there were other witches mated to wolves. I also believe we became enemies after those have passed." He said. He seemed genuine.

"What does that mean? Where do I come in?" She asked.

"It could mean a few different things. It's up to you. Woves have laws they have to obey. We cannot force anyone to be our mates. It has to be mutual, otherwise its painful for the wolf and its mate feels worse. Also, if mated you must mark eachother. Normally a wolf marks a wolf. I had to research how a witch would mark one. Another thing, this piece of information is possibly more painful for you; if a wolf found a mate that was not a wolf, the mate has a choice to turn or not." He continued. He made eye contact with her as everything sunk in. That last part shocked her a bit and he felt the pain as realization hit her.

"I could become a wolf. But I lose my powers. I cant do that. It's who I am. My magic is a part of me and the only connection I have to my parents. What if I dont want to be mated?" She asked.

He couldnt help but wince at this question. "That is your choice. You must understand when mated to a wolf you are protected, no wolf is allowed to touch you. No wolf is lowed to mark you or hurt you. If you choose to reject the mate, you lose the protection. Any wolf, multiple wolves can harm you, can mark you, can claim you." He said. All he could think about was Aaron's hands on her and he had to resist the urge to go rip out his throat.

"I see. How do you feel?" She asked.

"Honestly, I'm attracted to you. I'm connected to you and I felt it as soon as I saw you. By the time I realized what it was, the mating bond, Aaron had already taken advantage of you. I want to protect you. More importantly, I want to love you and create a family with you. But, I respect your wishes." He told her. He was close to her, holding her hand as he faced her. He wanted her to trust him and knew he would do anything for her.

Kat was lost in thought. She liked the way his hand felt in hers. She liked the way his touch and smell comforted her. She liked that he wanted her. She just couldnt wrap her head fully around everything at once.

She wasnt a wolf. She was weak compared to them. She knew she needed to sort out her thoughts but couldnt do it around him. 

" I need time to think. I need time to process." She said. He nodded a d agreed as she walked out of the study to her room. She returned a few minutes later. "I hate to ask, but I think Lily and Connor are in my room together, well Lily's room since I keep in the corner. Can I stay in another room?" She shyly asked him color creeping to her cheeks.

"You can stay with me tonight." He told her. She gave him a look he quickly dismissed. "I mean to keep you safe and I promise I'll be the perfect gentleman." He said. It was true. The only reason she stayed in Lily's room was so that Aaron couldn't get to her. Lily may be the baby sister but she was fast and protective and Jay knew she like Kat as her friend.

"Fine. Show me the way." She said a d followed him to his room. It was set up a lot like Lily's. A king size bed with grey sheets and a black comforter sat on one wall. A forty-two inch TV sat opposite wall onto of a black dresser. The carpet was cream colored and contrasted nice to the dark grey walls.

"Its not much. You can sleep in the bed. I have some work today and may not sleep before you wake." He said. She nodded. He left the room and shut the door. She got into the bed and was comforted by how soft it was. Feeling like she was sleeping on a cloud, she quickly drifted to sleep surrounded by his scent.

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