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The next time the door opened, Katarina's face was away from the door and she cringed as she hoped it was not the Beta.

It wasn't when she looked and she was slightly relieved.

It was the Alpha of the Full Moon pack.

Alpha Jayson Black.

She didnt want to admit it but he was very handsome. He had tan skin and was big. He had to have been six feet tall. He had dark hair and bright brown eyes. He looked perfect. Then he spoke.

"So little witch, you think you could get away with trespassing. Why are you here? What do you want?" He asked her, brown eyes piercing hers.

She stayed quiet and kept her hair down. He didnt like that she was asked a question and chose to ignore him.

"Speak kitten. I won't hurt you." He said.

"It was a ritual. We were doing a ritual. I didnt know it was foreign territory." She said softly.

"Well now, what are we supposed to do with the likes of you? Kill you? You arent much use for us." He said to her.

"What about using her? She could be a slave, a prisoner, our witch bitch." Beta Aaron was back and Kat felt herself get tense. She hated him so much. Beta stepped towards her and she cringed away.

"She's already afraid of us. Why not use that to benefit us? " Beta Aaron asked his Alpha.

The Alpha thought about it. This beautiful woman in front of him, forced to serve wolves. He watched as the witch cringed away from his Beta and he became curious why she seemed more afraid of a Beta than of the Alpha.

There was a commotion outside and Alpha Jayson walked away from Katarina, with Beta Aaron on his heels.

Outside waiting to destroy the Alpha was Thomas Jones. Thomas was a leader of another clan and he was betrothed to Katarina since birth.

Now he was on enemy land, demanding where his witch was.

"Alpha Jayson Black, please release my girl. She didnt mean to upset any of you. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Let her go." Thomas said.

The Alpha stood at the doorway and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No." He said. "She was on my territory, now she is my prisoner. She will serve me till I'm done with her. She will protect my kind. Shes a powerful witch, I can feel it. I need her power." He finished.

"Shes still learning. Please she wont be much use." Thomas asked.

"No. Now get out of here before I send my wolves after you. Be quick, before I change my mind. " Alpha Jay said

"I'll be back for her. My Kat will be saved." Thomas said as he turned and left thru the woods.

Alpha Jay turned to Kat.

"You have a hero trying to rescue you. Sorry to tell you, you arent going anywhere till I say you are. Get comfy Kitten." Then he left.

That's when she realized she was left alone again with the Beta.

Again he pinned her and again raped her. She layed there unable to move. She hated this man so much and just waited for it to be over.

Every night he came to her and raped her. She feared her life if she fought him.

Katarina welcomed sleep even on a hard metal cot.

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