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Katarina had opened her eyes to the sun shining in through the window. As he blurred vision cleared from sleepiness, she also saw facing her was Jayson. He was asleep, mouth slightly open and his strong facial features showed nicely in the sunlight. She noticed his plump lips as he slept, a light breath going in and out between them, ad fought the urge to kiss him. When she saw a curl fall over his eye and gently brushed it out of the way, his eyes snapped open and his hand wrapped around her wrist. She saw his eyes go a bright gold color before changing back to their regular brown color.

"I-I'm sorry Alpha. I didn't mean to startle you." She stammered as she pulled her hand away.

"No, no. You are all set. I should wake anyways. What time is it?" He asked as her rubbed his face, waking up. She didn't know as she was so mesmeried watching him sleep.

"Oh no, oh no. I'm so late! It's already nine in the morning. I am so sorry I must go tend to my chores." She quickly jumed out if bed and ra to the bathroom. After her morning pee, she fixed her messy hair and bolted to the door to head downstairs. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching her.

"Since, you are already late, maybe we can spend some time together. I can let Sara know. Trust me, she won't mind. I will even make sure you are back in time for training." He smiled at her in a way that warmed her tummy. She looked down, so as not to smirk back and cleared her throat.

"It's quite all right. I wouldn't want to bother you, or give any of your pack mates the wrong idea." Kat said this, hoping he would keep asking her to go with him. She really did enjoy being around him, even if she didn't understad the whole 'mate' thing fully.

"I insist and trust me, they are not going to question the Alpha showing the girl who is supposed to clen the house around. Go get changed, it is a bit warm today, and meet me in the study." Jay said,  dismissing her.

She rushed to her room where she quickly washed up and got changed. She wore this white sundress with red flowers on it. When she entered the study again she saw him standing there. He had on black basketball shorts and a white wife beater. He looked so handsome and it made her heart race as she looked down trying to hide her blush.

"Let's go for a walk, through the garden and to the woods. I want to show you something." He told her and she followed close behind. She wouldnt say it out loud to him but she knew she would follow him anywhere, she trusted him that much.

Beta Aaron watched as the witch followed the Alpha wolf out to the woods. He watched wth almost a sense of hunger as she disappeared with him beyond the tree line. Slowly, he followed behind.

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