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Please, if you are enjoying the story, leave a comment. I'm curious to see what everyone thinks... **SweetPea**
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Katarina woke up the next day and was surprised to feel happy. She was energetic and wanted to get the day started. She dressed in black athletic pants, a black sports bra and a maroon tank.

She went to the kitchen and she helped Sara with chores. Breakfast was made, laundry started, dishes clean. Things were looking good and the sun was shining.

"Come with me Kat." Sara had said. Kat followed her to one of the rooms on the first floor. The gym. Kat hadn't been in there yet and was curious. Sara was wearing athletic pants as well. She had a black sports bra and a grey tank on. Both girls had sneakers, not surprisingly since they run all over the pack house.

"Today, we train." Sara said. Kat was so confused by her words.

"Train? Sara, train for what?" Kat asked.

"We will get your strength and reflex up. You are strong yes with your chores, but you are slow with reflexes and confidence. We will start with warm ups." Sara said. She had Kat do about fifty sit ups and twenty-five push ups. Then she tossed Kat a pair of boxing gloves. Kat put them on. Sara had a pair too and led Kat to a punching bag. "You will punch this fifty times each. Then you will try to hit me five times."

"I wont hit you." Kat said. She was nervous to hurt the middle aged woman. She was skinny and short.

" I know you wont. That's why we are training." Sara said. Kat was already a  it winded from the warm ups, but she wasnt going to let Sara see that. She was strong and would keep up well.

Whe. It got to the punching Sara part, the two squared up. Kat had her hands up in front of her, a defense stance similar to one Sara had. Both girls were hopping from foot to foot;  feeling the floor, feeling each other and the momentum. Kat lunged with a right hook that Sara easily dogged. The rhythm she was trying to keep with the punching bag felt like nothing now.

Each swing Kat made, Sara dodged no problem. Kat was started to get tired and Sara could see it. Sara struck and hit Kat's shoulder, rather hard.

"Its not that hard to hit me. I'm an older woman." Sara said.

"I'm a bigger girl, you had an easy shot." Kat said. Sara smirked.

"Okay, okay. We can take a break. We will train again tomorrow, more intensely." Sara said.

Kat handed her the gloves and went to shower before having to help Sara prep dinner. Katarina was very impressed my the  smoothness and accuracy Sara fought with. She was determined to hit the woman though.

Katarina hopped into the shower letting the hot water soothe her sore muscles. She was tha fully it was a short training session today. When she finished she got out and got dressed. Dark skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt with her grey and white sneakers. She took her towel dried hair and threw it up into a high ponytail. She was ready for more work.

As she stepped into the bedroom, she saw Lily sitting on the bed.

"Rough practice? Nice bruise." Lily said looking at Kat's shoulder. She hadn't noticed the nice black and blue mark left by Sara. She was certain Sara was a human, but damn could she punch. "I could help you practice too. Sara sleeps around eight at night. We could practice more after she goes to bed. I promise to go easy on you." Lily said smirking. Kat thought about it. What better way to learn defense against enemies, than from an enemy, sorta.

"Sounds good. I have to help to make dinner now." Kat said. She smiled at the girl, hoping she thought of her the same, a great friend.

She rushed down to the kitchen, looking for Sara. When she didnt see her she figured she must've been up getting cleaned up and changed. So she started prepping vegetables. She sensed someone nearby. She looked around and saw Alpha Jay standing propped against one of the door frames, watching Katarina.

"You know, if you take a picture it will last longer." She said with snarkiness and a smirk playing at her lips. He smiled.

"Yes, but you cant smell a picture, or watch the color appear on the cheeks when it blushes." He said as he stepped closer. He walked up behind her, leaning over her shoulder, watched as she cut vegetables and placed them into bowls.

"Am I doing it wrong?" She asked I  almost a whisper. He was so close to her, she could smell his musty scent, feel his breath on her neck. He moved her hair away from her neck.

"No Kitten, you are doing just fine." He said. She got a shiver down her spine when he was so close to her.

She put the knife down a d turned around to face him, her back pressed against the counter. He had a hand on either side of her and he was leaning into her. Their faces just inches apart, she looked at his lips.

"So how can I help you Alpha?" She asked.

That was when he lost control. He smashed his lips to her; soft and demanding. He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her to him. Their mouths danced together and he licked at her bottom lip. She granted him access as his tongue licked inside dancing with hers. Her hands found the back of his neck and into his hair.

It was electrifying. It was hot. It was the best kiss she had ever had. He was demanding but gentle with her, and he body responded to him. This was way different then when the Beta was near her; kissing her and touching her, forcing himself on and in her. She liked having the Alpha close to her.

A clearing of a throat made them separate. She jumped away from him, turning back to her veggies, eyes down. He stood behind her hands still on her hips.

"Alpha." Kat recognized Sara's voice and knew she was beat red in the face.

"Very well. Sara, Kitten." With that he went to leave.

"Oh, Alpha. If you have a moment later there is something I would like to discuss with you." Katarina said to him. She composed herself well considering her heart was beating loud in her cheat and in her head.

"Very well, I will send for you later. Ladies." He exited and Kat swallowed. She dared to glance at Sara who was beaming at her.

"Not a word Sara." Kat said.

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