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The kitchen was amazing.

The counter had bar stools at it and was about five feet tall. The sink was a stainless steel with duel sides. The stove was electric and and had a nice microwave above it. The fridge had two doors up top, a ice maker, and a water pourer, a shelf below it for deli meat or whatever, and below was the freezer in a pull out drawer. The counter tops were marble and drk colored. Kat really liked the kitchen. There was a island in the midle with some stools around it. Must be where everyone ate meals.

A middle aged woman, probably in her forties, was at the island cutting vegetables. Kat shyly walked over to her.

"I-I'm Katarina. I was sent to you by Alpha Jay. He said I'm to help you in the kitchen and with any other house work around the house. I'm to apprentice under you." Kat said.

"If that is what Alpha Jay said, then that is what we will do." She handed her a knife and a cutting board. "Start cutting these vegetables. I'm going to prep the meat for lunch." She said to her. Kat nodded and grabbed a bunch of celery and a bowl of potatoes to start cutting. "By the way, my name is Sara, and I hope yu are ready for a busy busy day." She said to Kat. Kat smiled.

"I will do my best with anything and everything you throw my way." she was confident.

"I know what you are. If you want to you some magiv when no one is around to help out you can." Sara told her.

"I don't know if that is a good idea. What if the Alpha finds out? I don't want him to get mad." Kat said.

"It's okay. I just wat you to know I am on your side. I knew someone once who was a wolf and fell in love with a witch. I have nothing against you guys. I have to start laundry while the meat is in the oven. If I'm not back in an hour check it." She said to Kat.

"Okay Sara." Kat responded.

Sara left and Kat was left to cut and cook vegetables. She started to understand how much wolves needed to eat; an insane amount. Left to her own thoughts she thought about her people. She thought about Thomas. She wanted to go home. The Alpha was very nice to her, way nicer than the Beta. She just missed her home and her bed. Kat relaized that it was true what they say; you don't know what you have until it's gone. She thought about her parents and wondered what they would say if they could see her now.

Kat got thirsty and decided to make a cup of water. She found a tea bag to put inside. Unsure if she wanted to use the microwave she just used her magic and heated up her hands as she held the cup. The water started to steam. When she took a sip she gasped in pain. "Ouch! Too hot." she said out loud, and cooled her cup. Kat took a sip and sighed. "Better." She said and smiled. She set the cup down and turned back to the islad to contine with cleaning up her mess while the vegetables were set aside and gasped.

Standing there was no other than Alpha Jay. Kat looked down and thought to herself, I am so dead.

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