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It's been days since Kat disappeared. Jayson was aware that Aaron found his mate so he knew he wasn't raping Kat, at the same time, that scared him most. If he wasn't raping her, how else was he hurting her? What lengths would he go through to get to Jay?

Connor had sent a search party, even Lily was trying her best to track her. She was no where. It was like she was never on their territory. As he was out tracking her again it dawned on him, and he mind linked his sister.

"Lily! She isn't here."

"We will find her, Jay." His sister responded.

"No, I mean she's not on our territory. I think he took her to another territory." Jay responded.

"Where could he take her?" Lily was getting angry.

"What about her old area? Maybe that's why we can't smell her; she's with her people, or at least around them."

Of course, now it was making sense. "I'll head that way. I'll bring a couple warriors with me. Let me know if she shows up otherwise."

"No, Lily. I'll go. If anything happens to be, you become Alpha. Stay here with Connor so I know you are safe. I'll bing warriors with me." Jay said.

"But Jayson, I'm a good tracker. Let me go."

"No. Stay here. That's an order." He hated using the Alpha card on his sister. "Please Lily, I can't be worrying about trying to keep you safe as well as trying to find Katarina." He rubbed his head against her cheek, looked at her with pleading wolf eyes.

"Fine keep me posted. Let me know as soon as you find her." She agreed. They split up then.

As Jayson headed to the witch territory, he was scared what he would find. The witches didn't scare him, as it was his mate was the High Priestess. He was going to find the love of his life and bring her home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Days it had to be days that passed for Kat but it felt like years. She was fed very little, and refused to eat. Aaron would come in and sack her across the face. She would gingerly eat, and curl back into a ball in the corner of the room. She was fithy and she snelled. She was weak, but she stayed quiet, complying with Aaron and his sadistic ways. Once Ashley came in to feed her. As Kat sat i the corner Aaron walked up behind his mate, pressed her against the wall and made Kat watch as he fucked her. Every time she looked away, Ashley would scratch her with her long well mancured nails, so with tears in her eyes as she yelled out, she ws forced to watch over and over again.

Kat wa scared. She wanted Jayson. He said something about mates being ble to menally communicate, but she hasn't bee able to reach him. She keeps thinking maybe he was too far away. Every so often she would try again.

"Baby, if you can hear me. Please help me. I love you. I need you."

"Katarina! I hear you. My kitten, where are you?" She was alive. A piece of his heart, a piece of his soul was alive. Words could not describe the relief he felt as he ran through the woods to go to his girl. He finally picked up on her scent ad he got to an old abandoned prperty in the woods.

"Jayson! Oh my gosh Jay, please. I'm in a storm cellar. I don't know where though. It's not just Aaron though, there's a girl here."

"Yes, Ashley I know. Has he hurt you? Please tell me you are okay? I'm close. I'm coming to get you Kitten."

"No, aside from a few smacks, I'm okay. Weak, but okay." She was so relieved he was nearby, so happy he came for her.

Jayson was near the property, and as he scent got stronger so did another familiar scent. Outside the porch of an old abandoned house, three floors high and Victorian style, black from decay of old wood. It looked as though maybe there was a fire once upon a time.

"Ah Brother, or should I say Alpha? How are you?" Aaron said. Ashley was close to his side, just slightly behind his shoulder.

Jay didn't even bother to hold back the growl that formed in his chest. "Where is she?"

"In time my Brother. I thought we might try to make a deal. See this, as you well know is not or territory. Ashley here is friends with a witch on this part of land, thus why we aren't dead yet. Now, our High Priestess is a bit stronger than your out of practice one. Try anything and you both willl be united, in death." Aaron said. His eyes shown black. He was dangerous now.

"What do you want?" Jayson asked.

"Now that's a start. Come sit, let's talk." Aaron said, arm wrapped around Ashley's neck holding her to him. Jayson reluctantly followed.

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