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Lily and Katarina sat on Lily's bed. They were discussing the defense tactics for if anyone, meaning Aaron mostly, tried to show his face around the pack house that night. It was a big night for celebrations. Lily would be sworn in as Beta, and Katarina was to make the change to wolf.

Katarina was nervous, She couldn't stop thinking about the fact that her body could reject the change, killing her during the shift.

Lily would do her ritual as well. During a campfire, under the full moon, she would kneel before the Alpha. She would swear her loyalty to him and under the moon they would howl at the moon together, then the ack would join. It was a quick ritual, but loud. Lily wore her light blue jeans and a grey top that hung off the shoulders.

Katarina wore black leggings and a purple halter top. She was nervous as she wore her dark brown hair down. Nervous, but excited and commtted. She was ready to officilly feel like she belongs, to be part of a family, and to be with her mate forever. She couldn't wait to run with her mate, her Alpha.

Jayson was overwhelmed, but he was happy. His sister would be his Beta, his right hand woman. His mate was officially going to be turned to a wolf able t run by his side freely. She would be accepted into the pack and be his Luna, by his side for good. He lved her to death and would do anything for her. Lily, he trusted her with his life, and knew she would be a great second in command.

He was dressed in jeans and a black button down shirt. He couldn't wait to start the rituals.

~ ~ ~ ~

Hours passed and everyone stood around the fire. Together the three of them stood, with other pack members surrounding them for the ritual about to happen. Jayson stood with Lily to his right and Kat to his left. Lily knelt in front of him, and he turned to her, his voice loud for all to hear.
"Tonight we promote Lilianna to Beta of the Full Moon Pack. Lily, do you swear to protect the pack? Do you swear to follow your Alpha? Do you swear to protect you Alpha, continuing on with the customs, keeping the Alpha in line? Do you swear to lead the pack, should anything happen to the Alpha?" Lily answered yes to all of the question and as she looked up at her Alpha, both their eyes glowed gold, and together they howled at the full moon.

Lily stood and hugged her brother. She looked different, almost glowing, as she practically skipped towards her mate Connor. Then Alpha Jayson turned towards Katarina.

"Katarina Moon, your name practically screams wolf. Are you ready to honor the curse of the wolf? Are you ready to live the life as a member of the Full Moon Pack? Do you wish to be one with us, one with the moon, one with the night?" Jayson asked her, and she answered yes for all of his questions.

He then stepped towards her, wraped one hand around her waist and the other went to the back of her neck nd he pulled her in for a kiss. She moaned slightly and he fought to keep his own excitement at bay. He kissed his mark then bit her neck, drawing just a little blood from her which she replaced as she bit his neck and drank his blood. Then he kissed her lips again, and wih that he said, "With my blood flowing through your veins, I claim you as my mate. I claim you as my Luna, and I now turn you to be with us forever." Just after his words, her whole body filled with a warm cold mix. She felt it start in her belly and chest and spread out. Jay took a step back and watched as her body twitched and convulsed. She screamed out as bones cracked and shifted. The pain was there and started to dull with time, though it felt like forever.

She closed her eyes as she felt herself fall to the ground. She layed there for a while and when she opened her eyes she looked around and saw everything was brighter, and louder. She could hear better and smell everything. Katarina looked around and saw the entire packs eyes were wide in awe. She knew she was on all fours and she looked up at Jayson whose eyes were wide too as his mouth smirked up slightly.

"You are beautiful." He sad to her. "My Luna, my mate. I love you." He shifted and nuzz;ed his head under her neck. He yipped and bounced and together they hopped and laughed. The majority of the pack, including Connor and Lily shifted as well and Alpha Jay started the pack off with a howl that Kat joined. She was surprised by her own voice and loved it. She followed as Jay took off running through the wolves towards the river, and she even kep up with him. She got ahead of him at one point and as she came up to the river she stopped and sipped the water. Then she took a second to take in her reflection. Next to her stood her all black, large Alpha next to her; her mate and love of her life. What caught her eye the most was her own form.

Katarina Moon was now an all white wolf, slightly larger than Lily's Beta size, but still smaller than Alpha Jayson. Her eyes glowed a violet color and she looked beautiful but firece. She was in awe, she was perect and she felt free. She turned to her mate and loved their black and white contrast. They ran together, alone and with the pack, all throughout the entire night. She never felt happier. She finally felt like she belonged, like she was with her true family.

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