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Aaron waited, and waited. He was a patient man when he wanted to be, but he still always got what he wanted. Right now, he wanted Katarina. He was determined to get to her, and keep her for himself. All he had to do was get her away from his brother.

Jayson alway got what he wanted. He had such a perfect life. The perfect family, the perfect home, the perfect parents until they were killed.  He had perfect grades in school, and the perfect group f friends. Yes, Aaron was part of the family and part of the pack, but it wasn't the same. He looked up to Jay after his parents died, after both their parents died. Now he wanted nothing more than to be Alpha, and he was stuck as a Beta. Yes, a lucky position, but still in the shadow of his brother. Now, his brother found his mate, and even if she was a witch, Aaron was still last to be alone, as usual.

As he watched Katarina sleep in his brothers bed, a strand of hair falling over her eyes while the rest lay fanned around her head, he couldnt help but to smile to himself. As he brushed the strand out of her eyes, she tossed just slightly, a little mew escaping her lips while she was still asleep, and he felt himself grow hard.

He left the room for now. He listened for his brother to see if he was nearby. A shewolf walked by him, Ashley, if he remembered correctly. She had nice curves and blonde hair. Her hips swayed as she walked away and he got a great view of her ass. Hmm, he thought to himself, he would have to tap that after. He found his brother, just returning from a night time run.

"Brother, Alpha. How are you? How was yur run?" He asked his older brother.

"Fine. It's nice out. What are you doing?" He asked his Beta, curious why he was near his room.

"Oh nothing. Strolling around, enjoying the night. Might go for a run myself, or down to the gym for a bit. Have to stay fit for the ladies. Speakng of, how is your lady?" he asked coyly, but Jay felt the hairs on his arms stand up.

"What did you do to her?!" Jay snapped.

"Nothing Brother. Yet. She is so peaceful when she is asleep. She looks harmless, doesn't she? So, have you thought about turning her?" Aaron asked

"No. Its her choice when she is ready." Jay said. He knew his brother was up to something. "You leave her alone. Lay one finger on her and ill break both of your arms. Understand, Brother." He spat the last word at his brother. They may be brothers, but he knows of his past with other girls, with his mate. He didn't trust Aaron.

"Now, now Jay. I wouldn't do anthing rash. We wouldn't want something to happen to your girlfriend now, would we? I've always been in your shadow, soon enough I wont be. I'll be the brightest light." Aaron said. He turned to walk away from his brother.

"Aaron, don't test me! I'm warning you that you don't want to make an enemy out of me. I'm your Alpha, you will leave Katarina alone, that is an order!" Jay barked at his Beta.

Aaron just looked at hs brother, smirked, and walked away. Leaving his brother to go run up to his room, to his mate.

Aaron left the pack house for the woods and all Aaron thought to himself, as he heard his brother howl with anger was, Let the games begin, Brother.

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