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Jayson looked at the woman laying on his bed; his woman, his mate. He was happy. Yes, she was a witch. Yes, she was his prisoner. Yes, she was supposed to be his enemy, but there was something about her that he liked. She had a brave strong head on her shoulders. She was loyal and kind. Kat and Lily were the same age and he liked that they got along. He like that Lily was there willing to help her no matter what the pack said.

Lily was a sweet heart. She was a few years younger than Jay, and his birth sister there for if he passed, Alpha went to her next. She was a natural born leader, just like Kat. Kat was a leader exactly, she just knew where to stop in when necessary. She was in line to be the next HIgh Priestess after all.

Now, she had a choice to make. If she chose to be his mate fully, which she did, she then must decide if she wants to become a wolf. If she turns, then she will lose all of her magic. If she did not turn, she didn't know what would happen to the pack who had an Alpha mated to a witch.

Lily sat in the study with Kat, and Jayson, Connor, Aaron and Sara. Connor was kind of a nerd with glasses and short faded hair. He was built like a soldier, and she realized he was the head of the warriors. It was to be decided amongst everyone whether Katarina could be trusted to be free among the wolves. Lily noticed Sara glance toward her brother, almost in a trance. She noticed the girl had a crush on him, and thought it possible she could be his mate. Of course, Aaron paid no mind. All he was concerned about was Katarina, who stood in the middle of the floor. With hands folded on front of her and her head held high, Jayson noticed she looked like a princess more than a scary enemy. He was starting to wonder who the real enemy was at this point. Jayson looked around the room.

"We are all gathered in this room together, with a witch before us. Being a strong and powerful witch, she obediently came to us when her people were foind trespassing on our territory. Now, she has been punished and kept as prisoner, promoted even to housekeeper. I ask what all of you think is the next step as it is discovered she is my mate; Katarina Moon is the mate of Alpha Jayson Black, Alpha of the Full Moon Pack." Jayson said.

Everyone was quiet, letting all he said sink in. No one had heard of a witch and wolf alliance let alone of them coming together as mates.

Sara was the first to speak up. "I have worked closely wih Katarina the last few months, and she is excellent. She is fast and motivated. She always made sure her tasks were one hundred percent done before she left of continued to another task. I'm proud to say she has impressed me and earned my trust."

"Personally, I think she is an enemy. She should stay in the basement locked away like a prisoner that she is, left to wither away to nothing. That would be fun to return to her people; her dead, lifeless corpse. However, if mated to you, then she must turn, thus losing her powers. " Aaron said to Jayson. Kat realized she really hated that man, more than just because he raped her.

"We haven't had anyone from enemy territories try to enter since we held you, well since your boyfriend came to visit. I'm not sure if they think you are dead, or if they gave up, or if they are planning something for the future. You haven't posed as a threat, I believe you can be trustworthy." Connor had said. Lily beamed at her mate then turned to her older brother.

"I've seen her since the beginning, to when you kept her as a housekeeper to now and it's a huge change. Yes it is all confusing, but I strongly believe that you two are meant to be mates. You strengthen each other more than you know. I vote that we show her the ropes of the pack. She's an Alpha's mate, it's good for her to start with the basics and learn about her pack." Lily said. She winked at Kat, who couldn't help but smirk. Lily was the best and always treated her like a person since day one.

"I think that is the worst idea. She is a witch! This will NEVER be her pack! I don't agree with that, any of it. I WON'T!" Aaron rebutted. He seemed furious as he yelled at Jayson. Kat kept looking between the two boys, staying quiet. Jayson calmly looked at Aaron and eve Kat was shocked by his next words.

"She is my mate. She is staying. If you don't like it, then you can find another pack, or be a rogue. You are outnumbered, Brother, and therefore Katarina stays and learns the ways of the pack, whether she becomes a wolf or not." Jayson demanded. He stood and everyone stood with him, even Aaron. They all nodded to him and left the room leaving Kat and Jay alone together.

"So, now what?" Kat asked. Jay just chuckled and pulled her in for a kiss, smashing his lips to hers.

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