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She knew she shouldn't have used her magic, she did it anyway.

"Alpha! I'm so sorry. I didn't see you standing there. Can I get you anything?" Kat asked her. She thought to herself, Just maybe he didn't see what I just did. Maybe if he did he will just let it go. It was an innocent trick, after all.

It was something she had learned to do as a kid. Kat became well aquainted with the elements at the age of twelve.

"I'm all set, thank you Kitten. Actually, I came here becuase I wanted to talk to you. If you are going to be staying here, I want us to be comfortable with each other. I want to know that I can trust you. I can't have you go home. I know you want to but it's not safe. Not with all of the wolves here and all of the witches looking for you. I don't want a war to break out." He said to her.

"I don't mean offense, Sir, but keeping me here will almost garentee a war. If you were to let me go, I can make sure there is peace between us. My people willl never be a threat to you. Please, I am to be High Priestess. I need to return to my people." She almost begged him.

A sharp, "No!" from him got her to stop. She folded her hands in front of her and stood against the counter. "You are to tend to your duties, and after dinner tonight you are to come to me. We will go for a walk and we will get to know eachother better. I want you to be comfortable with me, to trust me. I really don't want to hurt you." He said.

"Yes Alpha, after dinner I will come find you." She told him and she turned back to the island so she could ontinue her work. All she could think about was how arrogant he was. She wasn't happy about being his prisoner, and now he wanted to get all buddy- buddy with her.

Sara came back into the kitchen shortly after. She checked the food in the oven, added more time and then turned to Kat. "In the dining hall there is a closet, you need to grab a table cloth, and placemats. Then come back in here for the plates and stuff for setting the table. There should be eight place settings. Go on girl, quickly."

Kat quickly gathered all she needed and then she set the table. Everything was set and she returned to the kitchen to help with anything else Sara needed. Sara shooed her away and told her to return in an hour to help serve everything.

So, Kat did what any person with a little freedom would do, she wandered around. She found the garden, the game room, the office, the training workout room, the gym with a basketball court, and garages with nice cars in them. She made her way back up to the bedrooms. She had to guess that the rooms fit at least three people tops in them, if not more for mates and couples. She estimated about twenty in the pack total. Kat found the study with all the books, Alpha's study, and entered the room. This room in particular always called to her, facinated her so much. She found a couple books by a few different authors she liked. They were other books that looked like historical books.

She pulled one off the shelf. The title read Full Moon Pack. That was it. When she opened it there was a whole list of members of the pack; birth dates, death dates, mates names, occupations, offspring, titles. You namd it the book had it. She found the current pack members,

Lillianna Black
DOB: 9-8-93
Mate: Connor Jones
Warrior Wife

Aaoron Black
DOB: 9-15-91
Beta of Pack

Jayson Black
DOB: 9-12-91
Mate: Katarina Moon
Alpha of Pack

That had to be wrong. She could't be is mate. She barely knew him, he did not claim her. Why was her name in this book? She had question after question swarming around with the confusion. None of it made sense. She was a witch and he was a wolf. They were not supposed to be together. She wondered if anyone knew, or knew what this meant, what would happen if there were to be mated. She quickly put the book away. She had five minutes to make her way back to the kitchen before Sara neede dher help, so she rushed dow hoping to avoid everyone.

On her way down the hall that led to the kitchen she crossed paths with Aaron.

"Ah, little witch." He said as he got close to her. She tried to just keep walking.

"Beta Aaron." She half whispered, knowing his wolf hearing would pick it up.

"Don't just keep going. Come here give your man a kiss." He stopped next to her and put his hands on either side of her, trapping her. "I've missed you. Maybe I'll come pay you a visit tonight. Would you like that?" he asked her, trying to sound seductive. It took everything in her to not throw up in his face.

Before she could answer, there were footsteps approaching. Aaron didn't move. Kat was so relieved when she saw Lily. "Come on brother, she is tired. She worked hard today, let her be. Leave her alone." The last part Lily almost growled at him.

He didn't move for a bit. Reluctently, with a look from Lily her let Kat pass and she quickly scuried away from them. She was never so greatful to anyone ther than Lily in that moment. As she walked away she over heard a little from Lily and Aaron.

"She isn't your mate Aaron. You need to leave her alone." Lily told him.

"I will make her my mate. One better, I will turn her, then there won't need to be any worry about a little witch bitch on our property. She will be one of us." He said. He sounded almost scary.

"Aaron, she can't be accepted into the pack unless she is mated to one of us, and you can't force a mate." Lily said.

"Watch me." Aaron said. With that Kat quickly hurried away. She had so many questions for the Alpha the next time she saw him. First, dinner was served.

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