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Beta Aaron watched as the two made love. His Alpha, touched his witch.

He had followed them out here curious as to what they were going to do. His insticts were right. He was right to follow. She was intune with her powers, and his brother was letting her use them. In fact, his brother seemed to be enjoying watching her use them. As Aaron crept closer her wouldv'e expected Jay to smell him coming. No it was the witch bitch that decided to sense him first. Her magic was elemental, that much he knew aleady, but he didn't know just how strong she was. The Earth was manipulated, causing him to lose his balance then the Air around him pushed him out of his hiding spot. Now, he shifted, a growl escaping his thraot, alerting his brother. The Alpha sprung into action out of his trance.

Over a mind link only wolves have between them, he asked his Alpha, "What are you doing out here? With her? She using her magic?" he said.

"I know. Shes safe. Why are you out here?" Alpha asked his Beta. He didn't fully trus his Beta after what he did to her, his mate to be.

"I was out on patrol and there was noise over this way, so I decided to check it out. Once I caught your scent I wanted to make sure you were safe." Not a full lie he told Alpha, but more to it. Aaron wanted that witch, and was determined to have her to himself.

"Everything is good, thank you Aaron. You can head back home, we are just finishing up." Alpha said. Aaron looked at the witch, looked at her violet eyes and was in awe for a moment. Then he nodded to Jay and turned back in the direction of the pack house.

He didn't return yet however. Unknown to the two of them, Aaron was close by in shadow, he couldn't figure out how Jay couldn't smell him, but didn't question it for long. He watched as they embraced, watched as the made lve to eachother and claimed each other with the final mark. When an Alpha fnds his mate he almost gains more power; he gains strength and pride. He gains energy and stamina. The couple would be madly in love now and would be vulnerable, easy targets should anyone attack. The flow of power runs through the Alpha, as well as the entire pack behind him. Now everyone knew he found his mate and who it was.

He smirked to himself as he headed back to the house. There was so much that they were going to learn.

First lesson? Don't take what doesnt belong to you first.

Second? Revenge is a dish best served cold.

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