Lifeguard Test

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The Next Day

"Ally, I'm leaving! Please do something productive today!" Patricia shouts as she leaves the house. Ally was getting ready to apply at the pool today. Getting on her bike, Ally starts to bike on the way to the nearby pool. 

She's taking in the scenery, and feels herself fall in love with the island. She then sees someone in the distance wearing a lifegaurd hoodie. She had long dark hair and fair skin. Ally pulls up next to her, "Hey do you work at the hotel pool?" The girl she was talking to had airpods in her ears, so she barely noticed Ally. "Oh shit my bad, can I help you?" The girl takes the airpods out and Ally repeats herself. "Sorry, I didn't realize the airpods but do you work at the pool?"

The girl smiles ands nods, "Sure do, my names Lauren by the way, are you looking to apply?"

Ally nods, "Yes, I'm Ally, I just moved here."

"Well then you can tag along with me Ally, my boss should be in today since it's Tuesday, but any other day he's in charge of guarding the beach, he's head guard over there, so he leaves his kid in charge." Lauren explains.

"Are the people nice around here?"

"They're like any other people, some are good some are not but I promise I won't let a small bean like you get hurt." Ally smiles, and they make their way to the pool.


Dwayne Hansen (if y'all have read my other book y'all know I love him playing you know who's dad) walked out of his locker room to the pool area and sees his employee Lauren come into work. Followed behind her was a short girl. "Jauregui, you seen Dj?" and frowns when he sees her shake her head.

"No sir, I think she comes in later to clean the pool, but I got you an applicant!" Lauren moves out the way so Ally can introduce herself. "Great, what's your name sweetheart?" He holds out his hand, and Ally shakes yet again another giant hand. "My names Ally Brooke Hernandez sir."

He smiles, "So you think you got what it takes to be my guard?" and he notices the way she stays put. "I sure do sir, I've been a swimmer ever since I came out the womb." Ally jokes. 

"You sound like my daughter, anyway fill this out Hernadez and we will see if I need you." He tells her and hands her paperwork.

"Fresh meat?" a voice from behind the group said. They turned to see Normani in her two piece guard suit. "Not just yet, we gotta see if she can pass my tests firsts." Dwayne says.

"Test?" Ally is confused. He turns to her, "Yes test, my guards are the best of the best but to find out who I'm hiring I put you through three very simple and very easy tests."

"Can I do them as soon as possible?" Ally says, and they're all surprised. Dwayne likes that. "You sure can, got a suit?" Ally moves her neck collar to the side a bit and reveals her black swim suit. "Got it, I'll see you in five minutes, go get dressed."


As Ally strips her clothes off, and is left in her two piece black bikini, she hears the door open. "Ally? you ready?" She hears Lauren's voice, and responds, "Yes! coming!" Ally quickly shoves her stuff into a random locker and walks out. But as she walks out she feels like she runs into a brick wall and bounces back. "Oh damn are you- Ally?!"

Ally opens her eyes as she recognizes her voice and sees Dinah. "Dinah!"

Dinah gets up, and this time she reaches for Ally to pull her up. Before Dinah can say anything, they hear a loud voice, "Hernandez you ready?"

Dinah looks at Ally confused, and Ally looks at the tall man and nods, "Be right back!"

"So kid, you ready for the first part of your test?"

"Yes sir."

Dwayne guided her to the big pool, and the stood at the very edge, "You have a minute to do as many laps as you can possibly do, I have a limit in my head but I won't tell you because I need to see how you push yourself, got it?" Ally thinks, and agrees, "Got it."

"Starting the minute in 3..2..1"

Ally dove into the water, and as little as her legs were, there was years of training coming out, and by 30 seconds she had come been wall to wall five times already.

"Go Ally!" Lauren shouts.

"Get it girl!" Normani adds.

Dinah stands by her workers and watches.

Ally feels her lungs and her heart beating, and it makes her happy to feel this rush again. Ten seconds left, Ally was determined to make it to the other side of the pool, so once she felt the wall, she immediately bounces off. Mentally, Ally is counting down and before the minute is up she's staring at her (hopefully) future employers feet. He's practically blocking out the sun, and smiles at her, "Record breaker! You just finished with eleven laps, one more than-"

"Me." The two whip their heads, and see Dinah smiling at Ally. "You work here?" Ally asks, and this makes both Dwayne and Dinah laugh. "She's the manager, Ally meet Dj, or Dinah Jane, my daughter."

"Anyways, isn't it time for Ally to do the next part of her test?" Dinah crossed her arms, and it makes Ally feel wayyyyy smaller than she is. Dinah walks past her and goes on stand to watch the pool. Or maybe watch Ally.

"You're sure right, let me go get the bomb."

Ally is confused and looks at Normani and Dinah who are laughing. Normani leans closer to Ally, "He means a big brick, not a real bomb cutie." Ally blushes at the the wink Normani gives her, as she walks away.

Ally feels something poking at her head, and turns to see it's Dinah's Lifegaurd tube poking her head. "You're on chief, good luck." Dinah is pointing the tube at her dad who is on the other side of the pool, Ally smiles and goes to the deeper end of the pool. "This part is usually easier, all you need to do is, " The big man pauses and throws the brick in the deep end, "Bring it back using one hand."

Ally just stares at it, then back at Dwayne, then back at the brick. She sighs and dives into the 12 ft water, her ears feel like they're going to burst, but as she gets closer to it she feels confident in this text.

But once she grabs the "bomb" it feels like it's 30 pounds. Ally has to push off the bottom of the pool, and kicks to the surface as hard as she possibly could before she ran out of air.

Gasping, Ally breaks surface and sucks in air to fill her burning lungs. "Yes Ally!" Normani and Lauren yell, and cheer for her. Ally turns her head and sees Dinah smiling at her, slowly clapping her hands while she's on her Guard chair.

Pulling Ally out of the water, Dwayne claps for her. "Good job Hernandez, I'll have Dinah train you on everything else you need to know, you got the job."

Ally smiles, but stops him as soon as he starts to walk away. "Wait I only did two tests, what about the third?"

Dwayne smiles, "Oh you passed the first on as soon as you said you wanted to start as soon as possible kid, shows me you're really serious about this job, be back here at 9 tomorrow, Dinah will be your new buddy." He points at Dinah who had her attention focused on the pool. 

Ally looks to Dinah on the guard stand, and feels slight butterflies in her stomach, "Sounds good to me."

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