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"Baby wake up." Ally pouts as she gives Dinah another lazy kiss. The poly was hard to wake up, but Ally thought she was cute as a button. Dinah usually had a hard, bad ass demeanor but now she was asleep so that rough shell was down. She was like a cute sweet little innocent teddy bear...if teddy bears were super aggressive and had massive morning wood.

"Stop before I throw you in the ocean." Dinah mumbles, and pulls Ally closer to her.  "Wake up, I want to see your beautiful eyes." Ally says, and Dinah gives in and opens her eyes. Ally loved those soft brown eyes more than anything. The way they wrinke when she smiles made her adore her smile. "Good morning beautiful." Dinah says and kisses her forehead. "You sleep well Mami?"

Ally nods and snuggles into Dinah's chest, "Best sleep of my life."

"I say we get up and go get some breakfast." Dinah suggests and they both get up and get ready for the day. They were closing tonight at work so they didn't need to be there till later. "I got a text from my mom saying she's making breakfast, want to join?" Ally asks and Dinah nods, "Yes let me just grab some stuff for work so I don't have to come back here."


Arriving at Ally's house, Dinah feels nervous. She's waved at her parents a couple of times but never sat down and talked to them. "Don't be nervous, they're nice."

Dinah gets out of her truck, and Ally grabs her hand and leads her inside. "Hellooooo!" Ally sings and Jerry pops his head out of the kitchen and instantly smiles seeing Dinah walk inside. "Good morning girls!" Jerry walks past Ally and instantly hugs Dinah. "Good morning Mr. Hernandez, and Mrs.Hernandez." Dinah says nervously and waves at Ally's mom who was behind the stove making pancakes.

"Hello mija, please sit we are just about to eat." Patricia points to the table full of breakfast food. "This all looks really good, thank you for having me." Dinah says and Jerry smiles while pouring Ally and Dinah orange juice, "Oh no problem mija, it's very nice for Ally to finally bring home a female companion that wasn't a total bi-."

"Jerry! Your language." Patricia scolds her husband and sits down with a platter full of pancakes. "So did you two have fun last night?" Ally's mom asks and both girls nod, "Yup sure did, Dinah took me to the other side of the island."

"Wow can't wait till I get a day off you should show us around." Jerry suggests and Dinah nods, "Of course! I'm sure my parents would love to meet you both too."

"Wonderful! We should plan on a night where we could all sit down for dinner then." Patricia says and Ally smiles at the thought of her and Dinah's families actually meeting. "We are going fishing tomorrow, would it be okay if I took Ally?" Dinah asks and her parents nod, "Of course, as long as she is with you we don't mind where she is."

"Now tell me Dinah, how long have you been a guard?"

"Since I was 15, now I'm the head guard and I'm hoping when I turn 21 I'll be apart of the bay watch with my dad."

"That's how I know you have a good heart, being a guard isnt just about getting tan, it's all about helping others and putting their safety first." Pat says and Dinah smiles. Ally's family was so kind, she sees where her girlfriend gets it from.

After talking a bit more about the town, Dinah and Ally decide to chill at the house for a while before work.


"Lauren do I look fat in this suit?"

"Babe you wear that suit everyday, you look no different."

Normani looks as if she could cry, "SO I LOOK FAT EVERYDAY?!"

Lauren groans, "God I wonder if Dinah has to put up with this, no baby you look stunning, anybody and I mean ANYBODY would want to have a body like yours, it's thick but not fat, your body sharp is beautiful."

Normani now looks like she could cry again, but happy tears, "Awwww my sweetie pie you're so cute."  Normani gives Lauren a kiss.

"Can you two stop being gay, and get back to work." Dinah grins and throws a towel at her friends as she walks into work with Ally.

Ally waves and Normani goes to give her a hug, "We seeing you two on the boat tomorrow?"

"Sure are, we will be there by 12." Dinah says.

"So will we."

The guards turn around and see Camila, Taylor, and Alessia. "Aww don't look so disappointed, Boo Boo just thought more the merrier." Alessia says.

Normani crosses her arms as Camila tries to get closer to Lauren, "Just know if you fall in the water, I'll gladly let you sink." Normani says and Camila backs up.

Alessia looks at Ally, "Hey Ally, when you're done with the has been, you can definitely kick it with the real champ."

Ally looks at Dinah who was just about to kick Alessia's ass, but Ally stops her, "No baby she's not worth it."

"That's right let your little girlfriend tell you what to do."

Ally feels a twig in her snap, "Okay look I may be little but that doesn't make me weak so if you don't get your ass out of our pool I will show you how us southern people hand out ass whoopins got it?"

The three girls don't say anything but rolls their eyes and walk away. Lauren chuckles, "You sure showed them Ally, can't wait to see what happens tomorrow."

Dinah gives her girlfriend a cheek kiss, "You're hot when you're about to kick somebody's ass."

"Nobody messes with my baby."

Lauren gags, "Who's gay now."

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