Say youll....

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"Okay you just told me you liked me but you're gonna ignore me?" Dinah questions as she parks her car. She looks at Ally who wasn't looking at her.

Still no word.

Dinah slightly pulls on Ally's arm, but Ally yanks it away. "Ally look at me, what I do?" Dinah pleads and grabs Ally's chin to make her look at her.

Ally rolls her eyes, "It's not what you did it's what you didn't do!"

Dinah is confused, "What the...Ally please enough of this."

"I told you that I liked you and you have yet to tell me you like me back!" Ally whines and looks back at the window. Dinah sighs, "Really? You know I like you too, just."

"I get it you aren't the tied down type...I'm just wasting my time night Dinah." Ally tries to get out of the car but Dinah pulls her back. "Aht aht, come here, that's not what I was gonna say."

Ally was blushing hardcore at the moment, Dinah held her in her lap and continued talking, "I was gonna say is I like you too just I'm new at this but I want to do this with you, Zendaya is just a friend but I like like you Ally."

Ally was definitely a tomato, Dinah being so forward was new, and exciting. She had a whole fucking zoo running around her stomach. "Okay I told you I liked you can you please talk to me again." Dinah tilts her head in a cute way that makes Ally smile, "I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll be my girlfriend." Dinah tells her and Ally leans in closer and kisses her. It was a sweet, innocent, and-

"Hellooooo! Anybody there?"

The two girls separate as Jerry comes knocking on the window of Dinah's truck. "Dad?!" Ally groans and Dinah rolls down the window, "Um...hi Mr. Hernandez."

Jerry smiles brightly at Dinah and sticks his arm into the car, which Dinah shakes, "Very nice to finally meet you Dinah, I've heard many many great things about you," Jerry looks at Ally, "Many."

Dinah grins, "Likewise sir, I was just dropping Ally off."

Jerry nods, "No worries, aslong as I know my little princess is with you I know she's safe, well I'm gonna go inside now, have a nice night Dinah!"

Dinah rolls up her window, and an awkward silence comes over the two lifeguards. Dinah and Ally look at each other and burst into laughter. "I like your dad he's super chill." Dinah says as the laughter dies down.

"Thank you, I promise he's more embarrassing so please don't hold it against me."

"Please my dad beats you gonna give me an answer?"

Ally gives her a look, "I gave you an answer."

"A kiss doesn't count." Dinah says and Ally leans forward, "Does this one?" Ally gives Dinah small pecks until the turned into longer kisses. Ally pulls away from Dinah who looked like she was in a trance. "I think I need one more."

Ally laughs, "Yes I'll be your girlfriend Dinah Jane." Ally gives her a hug, and Dinah smothers her, then pecks her face with her lips. "Dinaaaaah stoooop I gotta go."

Dinah doesn't stop and continues to kiss Ally, "I don't want you to go, I just got you back."

"We can spend tomorrow together, I mean we do work in the morning." Ally says and Dinah lets her go, "Okay fair point...I'm gonna take you out tomorrow then, so bring cute clothes to change into after work mamas."

Ally nods, and gets out of the truck, "Goodnight be safe, and text me when you get home." Ally blows a kiss and Dinah pretends to catch it. "Yes ma'am, goodnight baby."

Dinah pulls out of the driveway and Ally waits till she's out of her sight to get inside. Once the door is closed, Ally squeals silently to herself.


Ally looks and sees her parents on the couches watching their daughter do her happy dance. Embarrassed again, Ally waves at them. "Hey y'all...what's up?"

Ally's parents both look at each other and laugh, "Nothing mija, go eat your dinner and go to bed you have work." Patricia says.

"As if she can eat, she's inlove." Jerry teases, and Ally glares at him, "Really dad?"

"Jerry leave our baby alone, it's her first girlfriend you know she stinks at flirting."

"Mom you too!" Ally goes to the kitchen and grabs her take out, then goes up the stairs, "And FYI I don't stink at flirting!"

Patricia and Jerry both giggle at their daughter as she stomps upstairs. 

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