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Ally had decided she didn't want to stay in her room crying all day over Dinah so she got herself ready and texted Normani and Lauren to meet her at the Kamekona's food truck a few blocks from Ally's house. She needed the fresh air.

"Hey Ally!"

Ally turns and sees Alessia behind her, she gives her a small smile, "Hi, it's nice to see you." Ally says and lets her catch up. "Nice to see you too, how have you been?"

Ally makes a face, "How do you think I've been." 

Alessia gives her a comforting look, "Yeah I'm really sorry about all of that, as much as I hate to admit it...Dinah was better with you...but I don't want you to be upset talking about your ex so are you busy today? We can hang out."

"No offense but I don't want to give people the wrong idea." Ally says. Alessia laughs, "People can talk if they want to but not even I am shallow enough to make a move on my competitions ex, mo matter how pretty and sweet she is...also because I don't ever want to feel Dinah's fist in my face ever again." Ally noticed a faded bruise on her forehead.

Ally blushes but gives in, "Haha okay you can come with me to Kona's, i'm too hungry to tell you no." 


"So how was working with Dinah?" Normani asks Lauren and Lauren answers, "Then tension around her is so thick, you can cut through it." Lauren says and makes a sword cutting motion. Normani was picking Lauren up before heading to Kona's. "I figured, she's never been through a break up...I wish they'd get back together."

"Did Ally tell you who she was bringing?" Lauren asks, and doesn't notice Dinah coming up from behind her. Normani notices her and tries to signal to Lauren not to say anything else, "Um no I'm sure it's nobody." 

"Yeah right, as if Dinah won't go all hulk again if she finds out Alessia and Ally are together." Lauren says, oblivious to the poly towering over her. "Alessia? You mean Alyssa from the surf shack right?" Normani tries to get Lauren to shut up but she fails. "No babe, I'm 100% sure Ally is on her way to Kona's with Alessia, she just sent me a snap of them playing on the beach." 

"Lauren please stop talking."

"Why? I'm glad Ally is having a nice time, Dinah should be lucky Ally isn't her size, I'm sure she wouldv'e whooped her ass at the luau for pulling up with my side hoe." Lauren continues.

 Normani face palms and groans, while Dinah waits for Lauren to turn around. Lauren pulls out her snap, and her turns her camera to face her, to which she sees Dinah standing behind her. Dropping her phone quickly, Lauren chuckles and turns around, "Oh hey's it like being back?" 

Dinah glares at her, "Just peachy Laur, you're fired." Dinah walks away. Lauren chuckles, "Got it boss," Lauren looks at Normani, "Do you think she meant it?" 


Normani and Lauren pull up to the food truck to where Alessia and Ally were. They were sharing a plate of fried shrimp and sharing a passion fruit drink.

"You guys couldn't wait?" Lauren grumbles and goes to order for her and Normani. Normani smiles at them, "Hey guys how's it going." 

"Better now that I've eaten something." Ally responds and takes another bite out of her shrimp. "Alessia it's nice to see you." Normani says and Alessia feels awkward when Normani doesn't break her intimidating stare on her. "It's nice to see you Normani."

"Mani back off, she's not causing any harm." Ally says. Normani looks at Alessia still, "I'm just wondering why all of a sudden you want to hang around Ally."

"I'm not that terrible for your information, I don't hate you guys because you're friends with Dinah, I just don't see the point in fighting with anyone anymore when we all know I'm gonna lose next week to Dinah." Alessia frowns and Lauren comes up and felt bad, as did Ally and Normani. "Alessia you're a great surfer, but what really made the feud between you and Dinah happen?"

"Envy, Dinah and I were good friends till I just got tired of losing to her.. I want to make things right...after fighting out all the anger we have had for one another the other night-."

"You mean you got your ass kicked."


Alessia chuckles, "Yeah after I got my ass kicked I just figured their is nothing I can do but keep coming in second...seeing Dinah almost getting torn apart by a shark, I just realized there's no point in fighting with somebody like her, despite the shit she does sometimes, she's makes up for it."

Lauren pats Alessia's back, "Love that you're not an asshole anymore dude, it's always nice to have more friends." Normani nods, "Yes, I've been dying to know for years how you keep up with your hair!" 

Ally smiles at everyone getting along, but the words Alessia said about Dinah clouded her mind. Every bad moment with Dinah is triumphed by every good moment. Ally felt conflicted, and was now thinking about talking to Dinah before she left.

Before she left. Ally forgot.

Ally interrupts the conversation, "I have to tell you guys something." 

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