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Waking up the next morning, Dinah was terrified to get out of bed. The past few days all she was worrying about was the competition but now that the day has come, she could care less about it. Winning the trophy and getting the deal with Quicksilver, all of it could go away.

Dinah watches her door open, and her mom bring her a tray of her favorite fruit, "Goodmorning my nani..." Stephanie says and sits on the chair across from Dinah. "You gonna start getting ready?"

Dinah looks at her mom, "Mom...I don't want to go."

Stephanie was shocked but not, "Is this because of Ally?" 

Dinah plays with Ally's necklace she made for her, "What's it like to love?" Smiling at her daughter, "Your father wasn't easy to love at first, we were young when we met so we had some minor issues but to love someone baby girl , you put them before yourself, nothing in this world makes sense till you meet that person."

"Do you think I should surf today momma?" Dinah asks, and Stephanie gets up to hug her child, "I think you should do what you heart is telling you."

"Mom I need a direct answer." Dinah chuckles and Stephanie smiles, "Oh no, you're practically an adult now...I'm gonna go get ready for the beach." Stephanie leaves the room and Dinah begins to put on her surfing gear. Instead of the usual black, Dinah put on a white suit, and puts her hair in a bun. 

Walking out of her house with her surf board, Dinah sees Lauren and Normani at her truck, which was decorated with flowers and a message saying 'GO D-MAC' on her back shield. Dinah smiles at her friends, "Aww you guys!" Dinah goes to hug them. "We know you've been in a funk but at the end of the day we are always here for you." Lauren says and Normani nods, "Yeah, we had to make sure the champion knows she getting all the support today."

Dinah smiles sadly at them, "I wish that were true..." 

"Yeah we just came from there a while ago, too bad she just left to the air-OOF!" Lauren gets punched in the gut by Normani, "Babe don't you think you're being a little insensitive, Dinah doesn't need to lose focus today, she needs to get her head in the game." 

Dinah stares at Normani. Her head was in the game, but her heart wasn't. Looking at her phone Dinah sees that it's 1:20. She didn't need to be at the beach till 2:45, since the competition didn't start till 3. "How far is the airport from here?" Dinah asks, and Normani shrugs, "Like 30 minutes."

Dinah throws her board in the back of her car, "You guys coming or what?!" Dinah yells as she starts her truck and Normani and Lauren look at each other, but run into the car. Stephanie and Dwayne walk out of the house too as their daughter is about to leave. "Where are you going?" Stephanie asks and Dinah yells from her truck, "Following my heart!" and takes off, making her tires squeal.

Dwayne smiles at his daughter go, "That's my girl." 


Dinah practically hauled ass to the airport. Lauren and Normani thought they were gonna die, "We won't make it DJ!" Lauren yells but Dinah ignores her as she switches lanes constantly passing other cars. It was 1:45, and Dinah saw the airport in view. She speeds up and once she makes it to the front, she swerves her truck into park. Normani looks at Lauren, "Or maybe she will make it."

Dinah gets out of her truck, "Come on guys!" Dinah runs into the airport and looks for the flight going to Texas. "Maybe she's already on board?" Normani questions.

"Dinah?" Jerry questions and Dinah runs to him and Patricia, "Is Ally on the plane yet?" 

The look at each other, "We are not sure, we just said our byes honey, shouldn't you be at the beach?" Dinah smiles at them, "That doesn't matter right now."

 Dinah sees the departure for Texas and takes off. She's running as fast as her legs could take her, frantically looking between the clock and around her for Ally.

Then she's stopped immediately as she runs into somebody, and falls over, catching the small body she fell into. "Ow...." Dinah hears someone groan, and panics, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you- Dinah?" 

Dinah moves her hair out of the way and smiles at the girl on top of her, "I'm okay this is nothing." Dinah says, remembering those were the first words ever she said to Ally. Ally looked confused and gets up, pulling Dinah up with her. "Dinah what are you-." Ally starts. 

Dinah cuts her off, "Ally I need you to listen to me please, after that you can do as you please and I'll be out of your life forever but Ally," Dinah was overwhelmed with emotion she drops to her knees, and holds Ally's hand, "Ally I don't care about no trophy, I don't care about no deal, all I care about it you, I can't surf because my heart isn't in it anymore, it's with you," Dinah's voice cracks as she's about to cry, "I can't stop you from leaving, but I couldn't let you leave without you knowing how sorry I am, for everything for the way I was acting, for Zendaya, for the fighting and ignoring the best fucking this that has ever happened to me...I wake up and go to sleep thinking about you and how I messed up but also that there is nothing I wouldn't do to make it up to you, I know I said let's forget each other but baby that would be like trying to mop the ocean..." Dinah stands and runs her thumbs over Ally's cheeks to wipe away her tears, "I changed the day you came here and I can't picture what life is like without you, you make me better and want to be better, please let me better for you I love you Ally Brooke." 

Ally stares into Dinah's eyes, the soft brown eyes she loved so much. "I love you too Dinah Jane." And stands on her toes to close the gap between them. Dinah pulled Ally into her as tightly as possible, making up for all the time she lost not holding her. Pulling away Ally smiles at Dinah and wipes her tears, "Now who's the ugly Kim K crier?" They both giggle, but are interrupter by the intercom.


Ally looks at Dinah, "I gotta go..." Ally says looking down, and Dinah felt her heart sink to her stomach. "I guess I should've known that staying was a long shot huh..." Dinah frowns and Ally kisses her once more. "I'm sorry Dinah...I have to go."

Dinah shakes her head, "No it's okay, I'll be here when you get back or who knows maybe I'll leave this dump of a place to see you, I've never travelled before you know."

Ally smiles sadly, and pulls away, "Till next time?"

"Till next time." Dinah says and watches Ally walk away. 

Ally stopped herself and looked back once she gave the man her ticket, and waves goodbye to Dinah. 

Dinah waves back and watches Ally disappear down the tunnel. Lauren places a hand on Dinah's shoulder, "We still got a competition to win, what do you say?" 

Dinah looks at her friends and smiles, "Let's go ride some waves."

a/n- I hope you're all okay :) 

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