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Ally wakes up first in the hospital and sees her stuff in the chair next to her. She smells herself and decides to take a bath in the personal bathroom they had. Carefully getting off of her girlfriend Ally quickly showers yesterday's sand and sea water off of her.

Relieved she was in fresh clothes, Ally feels like Dinah would feel better if she was washed off too. Dinah was still in deep sleep so Ally gets soap and a wet rag, then gently starts to clean her off as best as she could. She also had sand and sea water on her.

Ally admires Dinah's sleepy form. She thought it was the most adorable thing she'd ever seen. Ally then thinks to herself how quickly she could've been gone from her life forever. "Can't believe I almost lost you..." Ally softly cries, and looks away to wipe her face. Dinah shouldn't be in this pain.

"Don't cry please."

Ally looks up and turns around to see Dinah smiling at her, "Don't cry baby you have an ugly Kim k cry remember?"

Ally rolls her eyes but smiles at her girlfriend, she wipes her eyes and gives her a quick kiss, "Goodmorning baby how are you?"

Dinah looks down at her body and sighs, "I don't feel like I just got bitten by a shark so I think that's some progress, could go for some food."

"Ask and you shall receive." Stephanie says as she walks in with McDonald's breakfast. "I know it's not totally nutritious but you guys could use some food."

Dinah smiles big at her mom, and hugs her, "Hey momma, where's my dad?"

"Right here sting ray, how are you feeling?" Dwayne walks in, and sits down with his wife on the couch next to the bed. Dinah takes a big bite out of her pancakes, "Muuuuuch better." She says with a mouth full of food.

Dwayne then sighs deeply, "Well DJ I have some news for you."

Nobody likes the way he says that, and Dinah puts her food away, "What's wrong?"

"Your recovery time could take up to six weeks, your surfing competition was suppose to be in five but the board is taking in consideration to your accident of their three year champion that instead of five weeks till the first round they're pushing it to eight," Dinah looks like she was about to cheer till Dwayne continues, "But Dinah you gotta listen to me, you recovery right is what's most important, that shark messed up your hip badly you're not gonna be able to surf like you used to."

Dinah stares at her dad, unable to speak. Dinah felt like crying wasn't an option so she nods, and feels Ally's hand squeeze hers. Dinah sighs, "Then dad we do whatever it takes, I'm not giving up on my last year."

Dwayne smiles at his daughter, "That's my girl."

"But Dinah Jane you are not and I repeat are not going to rush this process, do you understand me? We will do this the right way." Stephanie says and Dinah gulps, "Yes mommmmm."

Stephanie slightly hits her daughters head, "Don't mooooom me."

Ally giggles, and Dinah sticks her tongue out at her which leads to another head slap, "Dinah be nice to Ally."


The doctor finally let Dinah go home after a few more hours in a wheel chair. Ally had offered to push her while Dinah's parents were getting the extra stuff from the hospital down from the truck. The doctors orders were very clear, low movement, low excessive, and bucket bath until the stitches heal.

So currently Dinah and Ally were in her restroom getting ready to do just so. Dinah sat in her shower with her boxers and a sports bra on just incase Ally needed help. Getting two separate buckets of water, Ally gets one real soapy and the other for rinsing. "Tell me if it hurts okay?" Ally says and Dinah nods. They were gonna clean her wounds again.

Ally slightly presses the rag onto the bite and instinctively Dinah grips Ally's arm. "Shhhi-sorry it kinda hurts..." Dinah mumbles as she lets go of Ally. Ally kisses her cheeks, "We are gonna get through this together."

After a few moments later, Ally had successfully given Dinah her bath. Now she was brushing her hair. Dinah felt as if she could fall asleep because she usually brushed her hair with so much force but Ally had took her time. She started at the ends and worked her way through the tangles.

"You're very gentle." Dinah says and closes her eyes. Ally smiles and continues brushing, while she begins to hum. Dinah opens her eyes and turns herself slightly to look at Ally as she hears that it was the same song she was singing the other night. "Baby what song is that you're singing, it's sounds really pretty."

Ally blushes, "Oh it's from the movie Tarzan."

"Tarzan?" Dinah asks and Ally nods, "Yes Tarzan from Disney, haven't you seen it?"

Dinah shakes her head, "I didn't really watch Disney growing up I was always at the beach...could you sing more of it to me? It helps with my headache."  Dinah says as she gets back into her position so Ally could finish the last piece of her hair.

Ally nods, even though she was a bit nervous, "Come stop your crying it'll be alright," Ally sings gently, "Just take my hand, hold it tight," Dinah takes Ally's free hand in hers, and holds it against her cheek for comfort.

"I will protect you from all around you, I will be here don't you cry..." Ally puts the brush down and continues to sing while Dinah wraps her arms around her waist and rests her head on Ally's torso. "Cause you'll be in my heart, no matter what they say, you'll be here in my heart...always..." Ally lifts Dinah's head up, and kisses her.

Pulling away, Dinah says, "I love you."

Ally felt like she could cry, "You do?"

"I wouldn't jump on a shark for anyone so yeah I do, I love you." Dinah smirks and Ally hugs her, "I love you Dinah Jane."

A/n- okay what the fuck is ageplay, I got requested to do it but I don't feel comfortable 💀 how have you guys been tho <3 I have another dinally book coming up so! And I'm working on my other books but I love this one sm atm
I hope you're all safe! Will try to post more!

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