Sleep over

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Dinah and Ally had finally left their spot and went to Dinah's house. They were all sandy and dirty from play fighting in the sand.

Dinah was now hosing Ally down by the side of her house, "You know you'd totally win a wet t shirt contest." Dinah says as she continues to spray her girlfriend down.

Ally laughs, "You'd let me enter a wet t shirt contest?"

Dinah thinks about it, "Nevermind, I just know I'd have to fight somebody."

The girls laugh and it was Ally's turn to hose Dinah down.


Dinah and Ally turn and see Dinah's mom with towels in her hand. Dinah smiles, "Hey mom, I want you to meet Ally."

(I'm gonna use the lady from Baywatch the movie, her name is Stephanie)

"It's very nice to see you Ally."  Dinah's mom smiles at Ally, and Ally holds out her hand, "It's nice to meet you ma'am, you're gorgeous." Ally says and accepts the towel she gives her.

"Thank you sweetie, I'm glad my daughter has brought home a girl that is worth bringing home, I know she's gotten around and what not so it's very nice to be formally meeting you."

Dinah rolls her eyes, "Moooooom you did not just call me a hoe!"

"I didn't say it, you did." Stephanie smiles and hands her daughter a towel. "Hey starfish, hey Ally! I got some mangoes!" Dwayne comes out of the house with a bowl of cut up mangoes. They all sit down on the patio and enjoy the fresh fruit. "So dad we are going boating on Friday, you gonna be out there?"

"I'll be around, maybe not out in the water but I'll definitely be keeping an eye out on you kids."

They all talk for a while about Ally and her family, that nobody realized how late it truly got till Dwayne checked his phone.

"Ally will you be spending the night dear? It's late." Stephanie says and Ally looks at Dinah, "I mean if it's okay with y'all."

Dinah's parents nod, "Of course sweetie, would you like to shower? I know you guys probably are washed down from the hose but I'm sure you'd like an actual shower." Dinah's mom suggests. Ally agrees, "Yes ma'am, I'd appreciate that."

"Oh please call me ma or mom, you can leave that ma'am stuff for work." Stephanie smiles and motions for Ally to follow her.

Ally gets up and walks into Dinah's home, "Wow this place to beautiful." Ally says as she looks around and sees the nicely decorated and spacious home. "Thank you sweetie, here I'll take you to Dinah's restroom, she will leave you get some clothes to sleep in."

The two talk more and Stephanie gets to know Ally more.

"You're very sweet, I can see where Dinah gets it from."

"I'm glad she got her sweet side from me...I also know my daughters wild side is most likely from her father so I hope she hasn't given you too much trouble." They both laugh as Stephanie turns on the water for Ally. "Not too much, she's been nothing but great to me."

"Good, I've seen some of the girls she's hung around and between you and I, you're the prettiest one."

Ally blushes at the compliment. "You have a good night sweetie, see you in the morning." Stephanie gives Ally a hug and lets her shower. "Goodnight."

The shower felt nice, and Ally used the coconut shampoo and conditioner that Dinah uses. Ally was so happy she started singing in the shower.

She didn't hear Dinah come in, and quietly put some clothes out for her. Dinah tried to be respectful and not look at Ally but the moment she heard her singing she couldn't help but enjoy the sound she was hearing. Ally sang a soft tune she had ever heard before.

Hearing the water turn off, Dinah scrambles out of the restroom. There was two doors that lead to the hallway or Dinah's room.

Dinah stays on the bed and waits for Ally to come out. "Your room is so cute." Ally says as she walks in the room. Dinah couldn't respond because she was too focused on how cute Ally looked at the moment. She had no make up on, her hair was in a messy bun and she had on an oversized t shirt with oversized sweats. Dinah decided this was her favorite Ally.

"You're cute." Dinah finally says and sits on her bed. Ally giggles and goes between Dinah's legs. "You sure do know how to show a girl a good time." Ally tells her and gives her a kiss. Dinah puts her hands on her hips and brings her closer, "I can show you a better one..." she whispers into her ear and softly kisses her cheek then trails down to her neck.

Ally leans forward into Dinah, making them both lay back on the bed. Connecting their lips again, the two girls get into a very heated make out session. Dinah ran her rough hands up and down Ally's soft body.

Dinah slowly flips them over, so that she's on top. Dinah pulls away and looks down at Ally. Ally liked the way Dinah's chain dangled in her face, "I like this..." Ally mutters as she pulls the chain for Dinah to come back and kiss her.

A few more seconds go by, Ally pushes Dinah a bit, "As much as I like you baby I think you should shower before your bed smells like the beach." Ally says and Dinah agrees, "Okay babygirl, here wear my chain I don't like showering with it."

Dinah pulls the chain off and puts it on Ally. She then goes off to the restroom leaving Ally alone in the room. As soon as she closes the door, Dinah let's out a breathe, but looks down at her very hard friend. "Oh come on."


Ally felt her body finally relax into her girlfriends bed, it was very comfy and soft. The entire room smelt like Dinah's cologne mixed with the slight smell of outside but that was probably because she lived on the beach. Ally was falling asleep, but she could hear Dinah walk out the restroom. She heard shuffling going on around the room but didn't open her eyes.

Ally then felt her body get lifted up and placed on the side of the bed closest to the wall gently. Then she felt Dinah wrap her arms around her small body.

Dinah kisses the back of Ally's head, and they both fall asleep after a very long day.

A/n I'm gonna start to spice shit up in the next two chapters so ;)
But I'll try to update more since I know a good lot of us are in quaritine or whatever, hope you're all staying safe!

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