Phone Call

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"Ally this would look beautiful on you." Patricia says as she pulls out a simple but beautiful white dress. Ally never wore white too much but her mother always thought it was a beautiful color on her. Stephanie agreed, "That would look stunning on you Sweetie."

Ally was about to say something until her phone began to ring. "One moment y'all I'm getting a call."

She doesn't recognize the number but it was a Texas one, "Hello?"

"Yes hello is this Ally Brooke Hernandez?"


"Hello Ally! Hope you're having a good day, my names Christine I'm an academic advisor from Divine Savior's Academy, we are looking at your resume and application you sent in January and wanted to give you the good news that we are excited for you to finish your senior year with us! For more information please call us within the next month to confirm your acceptance, have a nice day!"

Ally had her mouth wide open. She had forgotten about divine. "Mija you okay?" Patricia asks and Ally says, "Mom that was Divine academy, I got in." In disbelief.

"Oh my God really? That's great, I forgot all about that!"

Stephanie was confused, "I'm sorry what are we celebrating?"

"Ally just got accepted into a top tier private school in Texas, they focus on mainly sports and their swim team has always had their eye on Ally, they make their athletes go pro." Pat explains. Ally interrupts, "But mom ...I don't think I'm gonna take it."

"Why baby?"

"Isn't it obvious mom? I'm love it here and I just don't feel the same about swimming anymore."

Patricia understands, "Well baby whatever you want to do we will support all the way through." She gives Ally a hug. Stephanie places a hand on her shoulder, "But consider this once in a lifetime offer sweetie okay?"

Ally nods, "Of course."


It had been a week since the call. Ally was still unsure to tell Dinah. She didn't want to ruin what they had going on because of the thought of leaving.

Dwayne and Dinah were now on the hot sand, sweating their bodies off. "One more lap DJ come one!" Dwayne hollers as he makes his daughter do another drill.

"Go Dinah!" Jerry yells from the hammock as he sips on his coconut drink. "Dad it hurts." Dinah says as she grabs her side. Dwayne comes up to Dinah and puts a hand over hers, "I know my little octopus but the pain you're feeling is recovering because we haven't done anything that involves your hip."

"Is that why you're not letting me surf?" Dinah ask as she wipes her forehead. "Yes, we need you 100% there, right now you're at 30, now drop down and a give me a 60 second plank!"

Dinah groans and drops to the ground.


"Are you ever gonna tell Dinah?" Patricia asks and Ally shrugs her shoulders, "I don't think so, I don't think I'll be going."

"Babygirl, I think if you're unsure you should still tell her, the possibility is there and you need to be prepared for what's to come." Patricia tells her and Ally says, "I hate when you're right."

Patricia laughs and squeezes her cheeks, "Mom is always right."


At the end of the day, Dinah collapses on her porch. Dwayne sits next to her, "You feeling any pain?"

Dinah pours a water all over her face, "Yup all over my body."

Dwayne laughs, "I mean from your injuries, how's your hip?" Dinah shrugs, "Feels fine to me, I think I should be able to get in the water now." Dwayne gets up, "Twist your body."

Dinah looks at her dad, and twists her body to the sign, and immediately gasps in pain. "What I thought, no surfing for you yet."

Dinah groans and watches her dad walk away.

"Did somebody miss their nap today?"

Dinah smiles and looks behind her to see Ally with another water bottle. "Here you go, you seemed thirsty." Ally sits next to her very sweaty girlfriend. "You stink." Ally giggles as Dinah gives her a kiss on her cheek and takes the water bottle, "Here to pick up your dad?"

"Yup, we had another very successful day of shopping."

"I'm sure he's gonna love to see his bank account after today." The girls laugh together, "Anything else happens today?" Dinah asks.

Ally immediately thinks about the call from the other day. "Nope, just had a really good day with mom."

Dinah nods, "Oh I got you something...well finished something for you." Dinah looks in her duffel bag, and pulls out her seashell necklace from her truck. "You finished it?" Ally asks and Dinah nods, "Yup stepped on a pretty small shell today that I thought would complete you like it."

Ally takes the necklace in her hand and gives Dinah a kiss, "I love it."

Dinah puts the necklace on for her and Ally admires it around her neck. Ally then notices Dinah's new shark tooth necklace, "Guess you had a bit of free time today, I like your new necklace too."

Dinah was about to comment until her phone began to ring. The number wasn't American.

"Uh hello?"

"Hello is this Dinah Jane?" A man with an Australian accent asks. "Yes this is she."

"My names Chris Hemsworth, I am a talent scout with Quicksilver, we are looking for our next rider, and we have heard a quite a bit about you from Australia, do you still surf?"

Dinah felt her heart pound, "Yes sir I do!"

"Great! Sorry about the accident but we haven't had a four year champion in a while, you're a beast on those waves."

"But I'm not a four year champion."

"-Yet, don't disappoint Dinah Jane, we will be watching you come competition, maybe we can talk about sponsorships and what not, can't wait to meet you."

"I won't I swear! You have a nice day!"

"You aswell! Goodbye."

Dinah gets off the phone and Ally nudges her, "So? Who was it?"

"Quicksilver! It's the biggest surfing brand of the world! They're gonna come and watch me win and maybe give me a deal!"

Ally gives Dinah a hug, "Oh baby I'm so proud of you! That's big!"

"Man can you imagine? That just means I have to work ten times as harder."

Ally gives her a look, "Don't push yourself too hard baby, you gotta heal the right way."

"Ally we are leaving!" They hear Patricia call out for Ally and Ally gives Dinah one more kiss before going, "Have a goodnight I love you, I'm so happy for you DJ."

Dinah kisses her girlfriends hand, as she gets up, "I love you too baby, thank you."

"And I'm serious DJ, don't forget you surf because you're meant for it it's not all about winning." Ally says and leaves. Dinah sighs, and looks at the waves crashing on the beach.

She then says to herself, "I gotta work harder than ever, I have to win."

A/n - I hope you are all having a great night:)

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