Two Weeks

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"Well Dinah Jane, congratulations, you're cleared to surf again."

Dinah smiles at her dad as she hops off the doctor's table. "But you're hip is going to have some minor pain, even though you're cleared to surf it doesn't seem you recovered 100%, just be safe and take your meds."

Dinah nods, "Yes Doc, thank you very much."

 They walk out of the doctor's office and Dwayne huffs at Dinah, "You think I wouldn't find out that you were surfing when I told you not to?"

Dinah puts her head down, "Yeah I know...I'm sorry dad."

Dwayne sighs, "Dinah, we tell you to do things not because we want to make you suffer, but it's because we know what's best...I know it's been a few days since Ally and you broke up but-"

Dinah shakes her head, "Dad I don't want to talk about that...I have a competition to focus on." Dwayne frowns at his daughter. The break up had significantly effected his daughter, he knew that before she broke down to him crying. Jerry and him still talked, and he knew Ally wasn't any better.


Ally was in her room bundled up in her covers. She only got out to use the restroom, or go to work. She had the next two days off so she was in her room, crying into her pillow. Patricia and Jerry did their best to help but Ally didn't have the motivation to do anything but cry and sleep.

"I'm worried Jerry...she's so heartbroken." Patricia says with tears in her eyes, and Jerry hugs his wife, "She's growing up my love, a broken heart is in the deal when you love." 

"Do you think we should talk to her about Divine?"

Jerry nods, "Yeah maybe she will have her mind made up." The parents open the door, and watch Ally turn to look at them, "Everything okay?" Ally softly asks, and her parents look at one another, "Ally baby, you have only a couple of days to confirm your stay at Divine...we just wanted you to know we are okay with whatever decision makes you happiest." Jerry says.

Ally looks at her ceiling and wipes her face. She sits up and looks at her parents, "I'll make the call this afternoon." 


The rest of the week went by slowly. Felt like a year. Dinah had thirteen days till her big competition. Thirteen days till her life could change. She should be the happiest she's ever been for getting such an opportunity like this. Yet she felt as if there was something missing. Something wasn't right. Somebody wasn't here.

Somebody was missing. A certain someone's laugh, and hugs. That special someone that Dinah just wanted to have back in her arms.

 Dinah was knocked off her board once more as she let her thoughts of Ally distract her again while surfing. 

"Dinah you gotta get your head in the game." Dwayne shouts from the beach and Dinah grunts and gets back on her board. She felt the pain in her hip return. It hasn't gone away when it should have. Dinah paddles back to shore and lays down on the sand as she waits for the pain to fade away. 

"You're in pain because you're pushing yourself too hard DJ." 

Dinah throws her head back in annoyance, "Dad losing isn't an option for me right now, why doesn't anybody understand that." Dwayne frowns at his daughter, "Stingray...when you started surfing, was it for the trophies or just for the ride?"

Dinah looks at her dad, "What are you asking dad." 

"Winning has never been important to you are a child of the ocean, of Kanaloa, since you were young you've been able to feel the moment a wave was made just for you're just fighting it because you are blinded by it, you turned your back on the ocean and on yourself and it's showing." Dwayne says. Dinah looks the other way, not wanting to hear her father's words. She loved her island but she was being selfish and she knew that. 

"There is so much riding on this competition dad...a future for me, I can't give up," Dinah says and goes back to the water, "You wouldn't understand." 

Dwayne sighs and watches his daughter go off. She may have his pride but she definitely had her mother's stubbornness. 

Dwayne feels his phone buzz in his pants and pulls out his phone. It was Ally. "Hello sweetheart, haven't heard from you in a while."

"Hello sir, um I kinda need to talk to you when you have the chance, in private." In private probrally meant without Dinah being around so Dwayne says, "Come by the house real quick, nobody is there." 

"Yes sir thank you." Ally's voice sounded less inviting, less warm. Dwayne was worried about what was to be told to him so he rushes home. 


Ally gets to the house and sees only Dwayne's truck was in the drive way. Ally was relieved that Dinah wasn't home. She walks to the back of his house and sits on the patio. Memories of her and Dinah return to her mind. The last night they were okay was on this porch. Ally gets up and shakes her head from the memories of Dinah. 

"Hey Ally!" 

Ally turns and waves at her boss. "Hello, it's nice to see you." Ally says and gives him a hug which he returns, "Sorry about everything Ally, is there something you needed? Everything okay?" the concern in his voice made what Ally was about to tell him even harder.

Looking up so the tears don't fall down her face, she shakily says, "Uh yeah...I'm putting my two weeks in, I'm moving back to Texas." 

a/n-LMAO you guys don't realize how much your comments make my day, i love them sm. can't wait to see if i make these two get back together or not, I'm trying something different ; ) JKJK

ANYWAY go check out allysondelivers new book "Her Eyes"! it's an Alren story :)

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