Talk To Me

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"Hey what's up with Dinah?" Lauren asks Normani as they sit together waiting for pool guests to arrive. Normani shrugs her shoulders, "Not too sure, she was being an asshole yesterday."

"Do you think it has something to do with Ally?"

"Do I think? I KNOW it has something to do with Ally, I just don't know what." Normani says and continues to lay out in the sun. "Lauren could you put some lotion on my back babe."

The word 'babe' made Lauren's heart flutter, she grabs the sunscreen bottle and puts it on Normani's back, "Ah! It's cold!" Normani pouts and Lauren laughs while beginning to rub her back, "Sorry Mani."

"Anyway, I think Dinah should just tell Ally about her little crush on her, I think she's just denying her feelings."

"Same with Ally."

"What do you mean? Lauren did you just spill tea? Does Ally like Dinah back?" Normani gets up excitingly and Lauren groans, "Oh I don't think I was suppose to say."

"Oh my gosh, when did she tell you? Why did she tell you? Why didn't she tell m-." Lauren puts a hand over Normani's mouth to get her to stop talking. "Mani, you're rambling."

"Sorry, I just kinda thought you two liked each other."

Lauren laughs, "Oh no after the kiss we realized we didn't like eac-OOF!" Lauren was then pinned down on the lounge chair by Normani, "YOU TWO KISSED?! WHEN THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN?"

Lauren was now feeling very claustrophobic, slightly turned on even, but gulped down that sex demon and answered Normani's question, "After the bonfire we shared a drunken kiss and woke up in the same bed, I swear we didn't have sex, but after we woke up we kinda told each other we had feelings for other people."

Normani gets off of Lauren, "Who was your other person?" She asks in a sweet tone. Lauren looks down at her hands, messing with the left over sunscreen, "I'd rather not say..."

Normani grabs Lauren's hand, "Please tell me, I won't laugh." Normani has now leaned in closer, and Lauren is feeling a sudden urge to do something bold. She leans into Normani, and gives her a kiss. Normani was shocked at first, but the second Lauren repositioned her lips, she kissed her bestfriend back.

Pulling back, Lauren looks at Normani, who was somewhat speechless, " it me?"

Lauren rolls her eyes and laughs, "Yes it's you, I wouldn't kiss you for no reason."

"I mean you can."


"Nothing, just...can you do it again?" Normani smirks and Lauren chuckles but pulls Normani into a second kiss.


Dinah goes to her locker before going into work. She thought if she'd avoid Ally, she'd be able to forget the problem, but then Lauren came walking into the restroom also. "Oh hey Dj, didn't know you were here so early."

Dinah looks back at her and doesn't respond. "Well anyway, I'm taking Normani on a date tomorrow."

Dinah rolls her eyes, "Can't seem to be tied down to one can you?" Lauren scoffs, "Dude what's that suppose to mean?" Lauren shoves Dinah's shoulder softly. Dinah turns her head, "Don't touch me."

"Don't ignore me, why did you say I can't be tied down?"

Dinah his mad at this point, "Look I don't give a fuck who you're messing with but you better make sure nobody gets hurt, especially Ally, I don't care that you two are together but don't play with her."

Lauren's face was written in confusion, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You're taking Mani on a date but you were just kissing Ally? Says a lot bro."

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