•Chapter 8•

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The beeping of his alarm pulls Hercules from his peaceful sleep. He rolls over, sucking in a deep breath before facing the day. 

"Hey Mia." He whispers, reaching down to gently pat the dog that lays at the edge of his bed. The sweet pup jumps up at his touch, spinning around with a smile and instantly licking all over the man's face. 

"Aww. Good Morning to you too, sweetheart." He says, chuckling as he pets the dog. The man cherished the sweet pup more than words can express, she was his world.

Hercules slowly gets out of bed, Mia following at his heels.

After putting on his tea kettle, he takes a moment to admire the morning.  

Out the window, the man can see his peaceful balcony, sunshine lighting up all his potted plants. 

Grabbing a glass of water from the tap, he walks out with Mia, letting her jump at the bugs while he waters his small forest.

When he's finished, he smiles at the view. Its beautiful. Sure, the apartment was expesnive, but this view makes it all worth it. Plus, it was the only apartment in the region that would let Mia stay. He scratches the dog's head before walking back in, letting her enjoy the balcony while he gets ready. 

Going back to the bedroom, the man dresses himself in the uniform he'd been given for the prison. It looks good on him, at least in his opinion. It makes him feel powerful, and maybe even a little bit attractive? He isn't  completely sure, he just knows he didn't exactly HATE the iron pressed clothes. 

The floorboards creak as the man  walks back to the kitchen, the sound of the screaming (wtf is the verb for the sound a tea kettle makes? screeing? like what would you call the sound of "its Wednesday my dudesAHHHHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."?) tea kettle drawing him back. The warm water steames as it pours into his mug, the porcelain cup warming his hands as he lets the tea cool down for a moment.  

Looking up at the clock, he suddenly realises he has to leave soon. He quickly lets Mia in, grabbing his bag before starting towards the door. 

"Sorry  Mi, I gotta go get us money. Be back soon." He says to the dog as he slowly closes the door, her pitiful expression making him want to cry. 

He briskly walks to his car, pulling out of the parking lot and starting his commute.

The roads are quiet and peaceful this morning, the man very content with the quiet drive. Usually he blasts his music, but today hes just as happy to listen to the sound of the tires driving over asphalt, and watching the birds fly above. 

In almost no time, he arrives at the prison, and makes his way into the employee break room. 

"Hey. New guy." someone says, Hercules turning around to see an unfamiliar face. 

"Hi. I'm Hercules." He says trying to give his best 'I'm awake and fully remember my training.' face. 

"Oh shit, like the greek god?" The man asks, chuckling. "We could use some of that, everyone's itching for trouble recently." 

"Happy to help." Hercules says, once again flashing a small smile. Theres a pause before the other man nods, walking back to his friends.

Sure, Hercules is glad to have a job, and an income, but really he just wants to hole himself up in his apartment watching Netflix. Waking up early and following directions isn't exactly the Irishman's best skill set, as all his high school teachers would attest. 

The man places his bag into his assigned locker, closing it with a sigh before he walks into the busy hallway. 

Everyone is coming back from breakfast, so the halls were fairly busy. 

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