•Chapter 19•

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"Lafayette...Lafayette..LAFAYETTE." Thomas said, his roomate jolting up.

"Woah woah." He said, seeing how the man pants and looks around with wide eyes.

"Didnt mean to rattle ya, its just visitation day."

"Oh, i dont have anyone coming, mon ami." Lafayette mumbled, yawning.

"You do. Yall are being called." Thomas said.

"Yall?" Lafayette said, rubbing his eyes as he climbs down from the top bunk.

"You all. Its a southern thing-" Thomas started to explain.

"Non, i know. Who else?"

"Oh. Your brother." Thomas said.

"Oh." He replied, yawning again as the men walk out their cell together.

"Are you getting one too?" He asked the southerner.

"Oh, yeah. James comes to see me every visitation day." Thomas replied, practically swooning just thinking of the man. Lafayette chuckled at the lovestruck man, finding it funny how the mere mention of this man could get Thomas so distracted.

"Whos visiting you?" Thomas asked after a moment of daydreaming.

"Oh. I think my parents." Lafayette responded, trying to think who else it could be.

It was quite sad, now that he thought about it. No one except his paremts would visit. All his friends ran away after they learned of the trial. Or he pushed them away. His only brother was in here with him. He knew his extended family would be quite embarassed to visit. So that just left Martha and George Washington.

"Lafayette?" Thomas asked, searching his friends face.

"Uh-yeah?"  He mumbled, snapping out of his thoughts.

"You good? Sorta lost you there."

"Oh...oui. just thinking" Lafayette said. Thomas wanted to find out whats wrong, help his friend. But they were getting dangerously close to the visitation room, and he only gets an hour a week with James.

He'll talk to Lafayette right after. 

"Thomas!" A small man said, jumping up and waving to the man as soon as he walked through the door.

"Morning, Jemmy." He greeted, kissing the mans cheek. Surprisingly, the guard didnt notice.

Lafayette smiled, wishing his visit could be as happy as Thomas' would.

"Bonjour mama. Papa." He said, sitting down across from them.

"Hey Laff." Martha said, offering one of her heart warming smiles.

George stared at the door, waiting for the same person the other were.

"Im sure he'll come" Lafayette offered, actually not very sure at all.

"Yeah." George mumbled, unsure.

They waited for awhile, making pointless small talk. But after all three had one after the other lost hope, they silently concluded the carribean would not be making an appearance.

"How are you, son?" George asked, trying to look past the his other son.

"Im well, papa." Lafayette responded, "im better after...the incidents."

The Washingtons had been informed about their son's multiple stays in the infirmary, and they talked to him over the phone every chance they got.

"Im so glad, Laff." Martha said, her warm voice calming the frenchman.

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