•Chapter 14•

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"WHERED HE GO?" James shouts, pacing around like a madman.

"I-I dont know." Charles says, truely unsure of how to respond.

"Do you know what this means?" The infuriated man spits, glaring at his so-called friend.


"HES FUCKING OUT THERE,  TELLIN EM OUR OPERATION. If he ain't here, hes probably in wardens office, snitching. IMA KILL THAT MUTHAFUCKA." The man runs his hands through his hair, stress building up inside him.

Everything hes worked for is falling apart, and if this guy tells...

"Hey. Hes uh. Hes probably in infirm. He was pretty fucked up, someone had to notice. Pretty soon theyll toss him right out." Charles say. Although his comforting skills are not nearly as effective as John's (at least in Alexander's opinion) it does calm James down enough.

"You better be right. You better be...I can't go to max. I got a kid. I get out in a few years." James whispers.

"Youll see your kid, outside." Charles says, not knowing how the future would twist his comforting statement into a lie.


Hercules looks around the laundry room, unselttled by the absence of a certain someone.

The way he's been showing up lately...what if something happened to him? What if whoever's been beating him went too far? What if...what if hes dead, and its all Hercules' fault for never reporting it.

All becuase of his stupid emotions. Why is he like this? Why does his heart race, and his palms get clammy, whenever the man walks by? Hercules wishes, as he has for quite some time know, that he could just be normal. Like other guys.

Someone who drives a big truck and is confident and has sex with sleezy women.

But no, he has to be like this. Skipping clubs so he can stay home with his dog, and filling his balacony with plants instead of empty beer cans, and...and falling in love with another man.

And becuase he was like this, he avoided doing his job. And it cost the man he loves far too much.

Hercules reasons to himself that he has to make it right, and the second work block is over he'll report everything.

And he does just that.

As soon as all the prisoners leave the room Hercules races to the warden's office, hoping against hope that he isn't too late.


John and Alexander place their book cart back and stroll out of the library, going to their usual spot for free block.

"Hey. I have to go to the bathroom, I'll meet you at your cell." Alexander says.

"Okay." John responds, not thinking much of it.

As soon as the two are out of sight of each other, Alexander starts walking towards the place he knows he shouldnt go. John might be upset he lied, and he could get in trouble with one of the biggest gangs in here...

But as soon as he arrives at room 233A, everything else fades away.

The cell is empty, niether of the three men who have been occupying it to be found.

He cautiously steps inside, in shock.

The man finds himself staring at the top bunk where his brother sleeps, wondering where they took him.

Surprisingly to Alexander, he starts crying.

"I'm sorry Laff..." he whispers with clouded eyes.

He can see a blood spot on the ground, making him seem to sob even more, knowing its most likely his brother's.

Alexander crumples onto the hard ground, curling up in a ball. After hes held together for so long, this is enough to make the man break down.

"I falied you. I was supposed to look out for you in here, and I...I dont even know what they did to you..or where you are..." he says, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Im sorry. Im sorry." He repeats to the empty room, wishing his brother was here to hear it.

"Hey hey, its okay." Someone says, pulling the man into a hug. It surprises the man at first, but after a moment he knows what happening.

"John..." he mumbles into the mans shirt, balling up the fabric as his eyes continue to pour.

"Its okay Lex, Im here. Youre okay." The man whispers in a comforting tone, slowly rubbing circles into the carribeans back.

"I..hes gone." He says through the tears.

"I know." Is all the man can reply.

John sits with him as long as he needs, letting him cry all he wants, and wishing he could do more for the man he loves so.


Bwah bwah bwah!!!

Sorta short chapter but whatevs

Where in the world is Marqui de Lafayette?

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