•Chapter 9•

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Lafayette wakes up with a pain throughout his body, and when he tries to rub his face he can feel swelling.

The man groans almost silently, starting to get up before he hears people below him.

"No thats what I told Rodgriguez but he pussied out." Sounds like his roommate's friend. That one thats always here.

"Well we aint gettin a new transport the deal is already to spread out." His roomate responds, his voice powerful and irritated.

Lafayette decids its a good time to stay still and silent, which he had become fairly good at over the last month or so.

Although he had never orchestrated a drug deal, the frenchman is fairly certain it wouldn't be favorable for him if he interjects now.

So he waits.


Alexander hums as he walks feeling fairly happy this morning.

He walks into his boyfriend's cell to find a sleeping John, and god he looks so adorable. As cute as that man is, hes even cuter when hes sleeping. His hair fluffs everywhere, and his soft snores easilty make Alexanders heart melt.

Its the carribeans favorite thing in the world, and relatively rare since the man is typically an early riser.

He leaves John to sleep for a while more while he goes to wake his brother.

The carribean is unsure how the two manage to sleep past the tone that wakes everyone up, but shrugs it off. If they can sleep longer hes glad, just a little bored is all.

"Hey Laff." He calls into the cell, peering over the two men on the botton bunk to see his brother curled up, awake yet completely still.

The frenchman faces him with wide eyes, silently raising his finger to his mouth, signaling a 'shh' to his brother.

"Get out." Reynolds says threateningly, pushing the man out of the doorway, almost making him fall.

"Listen, I dont want trouble, I just came to wake my brother, hes probably still asleep." Alexander says, looking back to see that Lafayette has followed the que, closing his eyes.

"Well he can wait." Lee adds, stepping forward so that Alexnader can barely see into the cell.

Unlike his boyfriend, Alexander knows when to quit. He never lost a fight before because he never got cocky enough to start one he couldnt finish.

"Sure." He says, backing up with his hands raised. He slowly walks out of the doorframe, leaving the men alone.

He worries for his brother, but the man is smart. He'll know to stay put.

And so he does. It takes a while, but Lafayette eventually hears the two men leave.

Hes sure its been long enough that is breakfast is over, and he might even be late for work.

The frenchman rushes down from his bed, running down to the laundry room.

He doesn't know exactly what would happen if he were late, but he desperately wants to avoid finding out.

Bursting into the room, he looks around to see everyone looking up at him a moment before calmly returning to their work.

He walks over to the gaurd, who looks at him curiously.

"I'm so so sorry for being late, moussier. Please dont report me, I swear it was a mistake." He says, breathing heavily from his run.

Hercules can barely make out what the man is saying, his accent thick and his breathing heavy.

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