•chapter 12•

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Lafayette smiles, savoring the warm feeling of his lovers hands wrapped around his body.

"I love you, Laff." Muhammad says in a gruff voice, his fingers tracing up and down the mans arms.

"Je taime." He replies, humming lightly.

Muhammad chuckles, lightly pecking the top of his lovers head as he typically does.

Lafayette smiles, his lips curling in a perfect way. He giggles as the man starts covering his neck in kisses, tickling the frenchmans skin with his full lips.

"Ahh! It tickles!" Lafayette protests, smiling like a fool. Muhammad leans back with a content sigh, letting his lover cuddle up on his chest.

Everything seems serene and warm.

A faint siren makes goosebumps form on the frenchmans skin. He shivers, and tries to cuddle further into his warm lover. But he soon feels a sticky wet liquid soak into his clothes.

Turning, he sees dark blood spilling from the man, turning everything a sickening deep red color.

His eyes are glossed over, and his body has gone limp.

"Muhammad. Non, non. Please, mon amour." Lafayette says frantically, begging the man to stay.

But the man doesnt respond, his comforting warmth has left the frenchman.

A voice, quiet at first, creeps in.

Soon, it surrounds the sobbing frenchman.

"Murderer. Murderer. Murderer." It taunts, growing louder each time.

Lafayette's sobs seem to take all the air from his lungs, and the man is barely able to beg the voice to stop.

"Please, go away.." he whimpers to the voice, his salty tears falling onto Muhammad's cold face.

But the voice only grows stronger, echoing through the house and shaking the man to his core.

Lafayette is left with nothing else to do but to curl up into a tight ball, praying for it all to go away.

The man stays like that for hours, simply wishing he could go back. To brighter days, happier times.

Instead he stays there paraylsed and whimpering, clutching tightly to the cold man who's blood stains Lafayette's skin.

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