Chapter 28• 5 minute phone calls

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Reynolds paced back and forth in his solitary cell, his footsteps echoing in the metal room. He was nervous, waiting for the call he was promised two days ago.

Finally, a guard came into view, swinging a landyard.

"You have a call." He said, his keys rattling as he unlocked the door of the mans cell.

Reynolds held out his hands, letting the guard cuff him and drag him along to the single phone in max. It looked like a payphone, but the wire was wrapped in padding and the phone number directory had ominous red stains on some of its pages.

James picked up the phone, his hands still bound together.

"Hello?" He whispered, his voice hoarse. He screamed when he got in here, for weeks. After that he hadnt talked to a soul. Everyone in here was dangerous. A word, even a wrong glance could send you into lots of trouble.

So James found it best to never talk, never look at anyone.

Dont start shit with anyone.

"Mr. James Reynolds?" A man asked.

"Yes. Yes thats me." James whispered into the phone.

"I was contacted by your family. Im an attorney, and Ive looked at your case. I might be able to get you out of maximum security." The attorney said.

"Thank you." James said, befoe the gaurd shoved him.

"Times up." He said, checking his watch. 

"Tell my parents-" James started, before the guard hung up for him.

"I said times up." He barked, shoving the man back towards his cell.

And although he was handcuffed and being shoved back to his solitary cell, James felt hopeful, for the first time since hed been sent down here.


After weeks of 5 minute long phone calls, James was finally getting sent back to gen. pop. Granted it was on a technicality, something about tampering with evidence. But however it came about, James was more than happy to be out of that retched place.

He never thought hed be happy to be in prison, but as he walked the gen. pop. hallways, mesh bag in hand, he felt happy. The grey walls seemed colorful. And it was so noisy and active here, in the best ways.

At the back of his head, James remembered what he learned from his time in max. "Dont start shit with anybody."

And he was following his mamtra well, not speaking to anyone or looking a soul in the eyes.

He had to remember where he was.

His whole gang was in max becuase of him, which ment they had bad blood with him. That left him surrounded by enemies.

Other gang leaders where still out there, watching his every move. They were probably waiting for the right chance to strike.

James had made a lot of enemies in his high. It used to be easy to deal with them. Another member could threaten them, someone unimportant would take a fall. But now he was beyond defenseless.

He saw a gang leader from the edge of his vision, quickly walking the other way before any of the mans pawns could see his face.

But by turning he came face to face with a man, who he thought was a stranger at first.

"Sorry." He apologised quickly, averting his gaze. Until he heard the man's breath hitch.

Looking up, he saw it was no stranger. It was Lafayette.

A thousand different emotions flooded through his brain, but before James could act on any of them the frenchman shoved him against the wall, running away before James could so much as blink.

Dont start shit with anybody is starting to get a little harder...

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